Issue Statements - Health Care

Health Care

Securing Affordable and Accessible Healthcare for All Americans

Republicans will ensure that patients have access to quality and more affordable health care while lowering the cost of health insurance, offering more choices for services and increasing coverage for the uninsured.


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  • 01.29.09

    Senator Orrin Hatch Offers Amendment to Ensure SCHIP Program Eligibility for Unborn Children

    Senator(s): Orrin Hatch

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  • 01.29.09

    Senator Roger Wicker Floor Remarks Regarding SCHIP

    Senator(s): Roger Wicker

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  • 01.28.09

    Senator Chuck Grassley Satellite Conference Call

    Senator(s): Charles Grassley

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HealthCare Needy Children
HealthCare Needy Children
HealthCare Needy ChildrenHow much have american taxpayers paid for a wheelchair?Future is bleakFuture is bleakCongress kicks canThen Now $govt spendingGetAway card MemDay 08Access and ChoiceAffordable CoverageOur Health Care Mission:  EVERY American InsuredQuality Care and PreventionPersonal Ownership and SecurityMedicaid Improper PaymentsEvery American Deserves Affordable Health InsuranceHealth CareTotal Projects RebaselinedPercentage of Projects-RebaselinedEmergency Department Visits in 2004 by Payer GroupWelfare for the Wealthy: AMT-Paying Families Who Would Be Eligible for SCHIPWall Street Journal quote
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Latest Clips

  • 01.29.09

    Hatch Offers Amendment to Ensure Chip Program Eligibility for Unborn Children

    Senator(s): Orrin Hatch

    Listen to Radio Clip

  • 01.29.09

    Cornyn Comments on S-Chip and the Economic Stimulus Bill

    Senator(s): John Cornyn

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  • 01.28.09

    McConnell: Republicans are Committed to Making Sure Every Child Has Access to Affordable Health Insurance

    Senator(s): Mitch McConnell

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