Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Supporting Military Recruiters
February 15, 2008

The City of Berkeley’s treatment of the United States Marine Corps recruitment office is disgraceful. Americans have and will continue to enjoy the freedoms of our great nation because of our brave men and women in uniform.

The Semper Fi Act, which I have cosponsored, would stop the City of Berkley from receiving the federal funds that were appropriated in last year’s spending bill and transfer that money to the Marine Corp. Our military is strongest when it is made up of an all volunteer force. We must support its recruitment efforts in order to meet retention goals and avoid the need to ever reinstate a draft.

Fortunately, the City Council of Berkeley voted for new language that recognized the Marine Corps’ right to recruit in the city. Included is a recent press release about this clarification. In light of these recent events, I have also signed on to the Military Freedom Act which would deny federal funds for any state that prohibits or restricts any military recruitment office.

Our men and women in the Armed Forces deserve our utmost respect.  They are working non-stop for our freedom and national security and we should be grateful for their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families.


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