Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Improving Medicare
July 21, 2008

Improving our Medicare system is not only vitally important to our nation’s seniors, but also to the physicians and health care professionals who serve them. More than 80 million Americans rely on Medicare to meet their health care needs. Congress must step in and fix physician reimbursement rates so that those who deserve it most will continue to have access to the care they need.

The Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act, which I strongly supported, became law on July 16 after both the House and Senate voted to override a Presidential veto. This bill stopped cuts to Medicare physician reimbursement rates scheduled for this year and included an increase beginning in 2009. It addresses a payment inequity for Tennessee hospitals by more fairly reimbursing medical facilities that serve many Medicaid and low income patients which allows them to recover more of their unpaid costs. This legislation also:

  • Requires prompt payment to Medicare pharmacists for prescriptions
  • Expands coverage to low-income subsidy programs
  • Increases payments to rural providers
  • Reduces the co-payment for mental health services
  • Maintains funding for the Special Diabetes Programs for two more years
  • Improves coverage for preventive services
  • Raises payment levels for anesthesiologists who teach

Making sure seniors have access to the services they need is one of my top priorities. In order to do this, we have to make sure providers are reimbursed at a reasonable rate. I will continue to strongly support our physicians so that can care for those who need them most.


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