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Market-based Health Insurance
January 18, 2008

The quality of our nation’s health care system affects every family in this country.  Our current system is in a crisis and people are rightly demanding solutions.  Health care costs are rising three times faster than inflation and account for 20% of our gross domestic product (GDP).  The struggle to pay for quality health care is becoming more difficult for everyone. 

Because of the insecurity American’s feel about health care, many are calling for a nationalized system.  This is not the solution to our health care crisis.  Canada and England both operate under a universal health care system and they are both prime examples of why this system of healthcare is not effective.  Many studies show that such a system would result in limited resources, longer waiting periods, rationed services and reduced quality of care. 

Instead, we need a market-based health insurance system that will promote competition, much like we do in other industries, lowering prices for everyone. The Health Care Choice Act, which I have cosponsored, would make a major change in the way health insurance is delivered.  It would allow residents in one state to buy health insurance from another state, empowering them to compare health care plans from across the country and choose the plan that best meets their needs.  This bill would only cover those who pay for their own health insurance, not employer-provided health insurance or small group plans.

America is blessed with the best health care system in the world.  However, we must keep working to make it available and affordable for everyone.


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