Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Wamp Supports Comprehensive Immigration Reform
April 14, 2006

Comprehensive legislation is needed first and foremost to secure our borders, particularly part of our southern border, which has become a lawless environment.  The Senate is currently working on a bill to address illegal immigration, which in part responds to the bill the House passed last December.

We should secure our border first and enforce the immigration laws that already exist, but have been ignored.  The House bill, which I strongly supported, requires mandatory detention for all illegal immigrants who are apprehended.  We have begun a "catch and return" policy so that illegal immigrants are not released in the United States after apprehension. 

Of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants currently in the United States, many are providing useful services through the labor they provide.  But we must have a system of laws that honors legal immigration and does not reward anyone who came here illegally.  

Granting amnesty to illegal aliens dishonors immigrants who came here through the legal channels.  I know stories of people who came here legally, worked for years and paid hard earned dollars to become legal immigrants.  Congress must honor the hard work and effort of legal immigrants and create a better system to encourage people to seek legal immigration.

I will support tough, strong, effective immigration reform that secures our borders, implements enforceable immigration laws and then create a new "guest worker" program.  But at the same time, we must continue to be a nation that encourages people from around the world to come here legally and join our country.  If an immigrant honors our laws and is willing to pull the wagon instead of just riding in it, he should be welcome here.  It's the American way.


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