Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Energy Policy Is A Security Priority

February 10, 2005

Congressman Zach Wamp spoke to the Solar Energy Industries Association at the Capitol on the critical importance of securing America's volatile energy infrastructure and lowering U.S. dependence on foreign oil by using renewable energy resources while keeping our environment clean.


Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert appointed Wamp to help write the House Republican Policy Committee's policy on energy for the 109th Congress because of Wamp's leadership and expertise in energy and homeland security issues.  Wamp's policy focuses on energy security, energy stewardship, and energy independence and relies on advancing initiatives that speed the development and marketing of renewable and energy efficient technologies, infrastructure, and products.


"If we want to restrict the terrorists, we have to restrict the flow of oil revenues in those respective countries," said Wamp, a member of the House Appropriations subcommittees on Homeland Security and Energy and Water.  "The way to do that is to utilize our own resources to their fullest extent by leading the world in energy technologies and manufacturing better products to reuse resources we already possess - many of these technologies are found in the Tennessee Valley."


Congressman Wamp, co-chair of the 224 member Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Caucus, commended solar energy's contribution to the booming high-tech industry for its stability, affordability, and its potential to decrease our dependence on foreign supplies and costly natural gas deposits.


"Solar energy is an energy source that holds tremendous potential for today's demand," added Wamp.


Increasing dependence on foreign oil has left American consumers more vulnerable to price fluctuations in the international market.  Only 2% of the world's oil reserves are located in the United States.  Political instability in Saudi Arabia, which is the world's largest oil producer, and the war in Iraq have contributed to rising gas prices.


Wamp hopes the 109th Congress will reexamine and implement a comprehensive and responsible national energy policy that addresses our need to increase domestic production while reducing our demand and keeping our environment clean.


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