Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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We Must Focus On Energy Independence And Security

February 23, 2005

We cannot drill and pump our way out of the energy crisis.  As co-chairman of the House Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Caucus, I recognize that few issues are more important to the independence and security of our country than the availability and affordability of energy. We rely too heavily on fossil fuels to meet our energy needs, and now we are facing the consequences. 


While a limited and sterile exploration of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is not an unreasonable step, it is not the only solution.  We must do much more in the area of conservation and the advancement of renewables.  As a new member of the House Policy Committee, I am working to develop an energy policy for the 109th Congress focusing on energy independence and security.  We need to accelerate the President's Hydrogen Economy and promote the use of hybrid automobiles as a transition to hydrogen-fuel cell cars that do not use gasoline. 


Renewable energy alternatives must be more cost-effective so consumers will choose this option.  Hopefully, with the right incentives and investment in research and technology, we can make renewable energy a more viable option for the transportation system in the future.


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