Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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2007 Funding Bill Passes House
February 6, 2007

The House Appropriations Committee finished its work on all of the Fiscal Year 2007 Appropriations bills.  However, the Senate was only able to pass two of these bills.  Consequently, enactment of the remaining FY07 Appropriations bills has been significantly delayed.  This postponement is further complicated by the change of majority control in the 110th Congress.

On January 31, the House passed a $463.5 billion continuing resolution (CR) by a vote of 286-140.  I voted against H.J.Res. 20, the Revised Continuting Appropriations Resolution for 2007.  This legislation is a huge shift in priorities and $463 billion in spending does not make for a clean CR.  As a 10-year member of the Appropriations Committee, I understand how important it is for a spending bill of this magnitude to go through the regular order and thus to committee first instead of straight to the House floor for a vote.

Under this bill, the government would continue funding most programs at 2006 enacted levels and no new projects will be allowed to start.  The Senate is expected to take up this legislation soon.  Thank you for your patience and understanding through this process.  Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact my office.


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