Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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President Should Not Attend Opening Ceremony
April 21, 2008

The oppression of people anywhere based upon their religious beliefs or political views is something we must work to end. The United States is a leader throughout the world in promoting human rights. As a nation, we encourage other countries to establish freedoms that allow citizens the right to say, do and go anywhere they want, when they want.

Contrary to what some have written, I did not recommend a boycott of the Beijing Olympics. The decision to participate was made long ago, and our athletes have trained hard and are ready to compete in the world’s most esteemed athletic event. However, I did encourage the President not to attend the opening ceremonies. His presence at the games will, to a certain extent, validate China’s authoritative and inhumane actions and policies toward its people.

The Chinese government denies its citizens political, religious and personal freedoms, and continues to support states like Sudan that also violate human rights. China is also a major contributor to pollution and environmental destruction. I visited China this year and strongly believe the President should send a message that we will participate, but that we do not approve of these policies. 

The United States cannot always control what goes on in other countries, but we should use our influence to promote the fundamental liberties of all people. I will continue to work with my colleagues to encourage China to recognize the freedoms we cherish and believe in enough to defend universally.


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