Congressman Zach Wamp, Third District of Tennessee, Link to Home Page
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Wamp Strenghtens Child Safety Act
September 5, 2006

The tremendous amount of pornography on the Internet constantly threatens our children, but it remains widely unregulated.  That's why I support tightening overall access to pornographic material on the Internet. 

When Congress was writing the Child Safety Act, which the President signed into law earlier this year, I took an active leadership role in strengthening this bill to protect our children from pornography.  The bill included four provisions in direct response to concerns I voiced to the Speaker of the House about this bill:

Increased Penalties for Registered Sex Offenders. Imposes a mandatory, consecutive 10 year sentence for kidnapping, obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children, sex trafficking of children, sexual exploitation and transportation for illegal sexual activity and related crimes committed by a person who is registered or required to register under federal or state law with a sex offender registry.

Internet Facilitation of Child Pornography and Exploitation of Children. Creates new federal offense for facilitation of child pornography by Internet.  Any such provider who knowingly facilitates the access to or possession of child pornography via the Internet will be liable and may be fined or imprisoned up to ten years.

Additional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces. Authorizes up to 20 additional task forces within the Department of Justice's Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program. These task forces are comprised of members of federal, state, and local law enforcement, local prosecution agencies, educators and mental health professionals who provide investigatory tools to law enforcement and assist parents and schools with child victimization issues.

Cybersecurity Forensic Capabilities. Authorizes additional $20m for operation of the DOJ's Regional Computer Forensic Laboratories. An RCFL is a one stop, full service forensics laboratory and training center devoted entirely to the examination of digital evidence in support of criminal investigations. The work performed is critical to the investigation and prosecution of online child pornography and child exploitation offenses.

I will continue to look for other ways to protect our families from pornography entering the home. We don't have to stand by and accept the proliferation of sex and violence in our society.


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