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House Passes Resolution Condemning Burmese Military Government
October 1, 2007

The military junta that rules Burma is the most repressive in Southeast Asia.  It has suppressed political liberty and jailed thousands of political dissidents.  Its widespread human rights violations and deteriorating economy have caused tens of thousands to flee.

President Bush has announced new sanctions against the Burmese military government in response to its threatening actions towards monks peacefully protesting. Monks have been reported as missing or being held in the Insein prison which is notorious for its awful conditions. The President outlined the tightening of economic sanctions against the regime and its financial supporters, as well as a ban on visas to those responsible for violating human rights and their families.

The House passed a resolution, which I voted  for, that condemns the actions against peaceful protestors, demands the immediate release of the captive monks, and calls on countries to tightening their sanctions against the Burmese ruling junta. The United States also stopped giving aid directly to the Burmese government, but has established assistance programs in Burma and for Burmese refugees in Thailand. Such programs include English language training, civil society development, HIV/AIDS preventions, care, and treatment, aid to victims of human trafficking, and basic health care.

While the United States cannot always control what goes on in other countries, we should use our influence as the greatest country in the world to promote the fundamental liberties of all people.  Our economic power gives us the ability to wield great influence with other nations, and we should use this power for good.


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