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House Approves Lipinski Hydrogen Bill
to Promote US Energy Independence

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. House of Representatives today enacted legislation sponsored by Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-03) that will lessen our dependence on foreign fossil fuels by developing hydrogen as a viable energy resource.

Congressman Lipinski examining the engine of
Honda's hydrogen car in front of the U.S. Capitol

H.R. 5143, The H-Prize Act of 2006, introduced earlier this year by Rep. Lipinski along with Rep. Bob Inglis (SC), establishes competitively awarded cash prizes for scientific breakthroughs in the advancement of hydrogen energy technology. With clean water vapor as its only emission, hydrogen holds great promise as a fuel, though much research and development is needed before this resource will be commercially viable.

"Political instability in the Middle East has contributed to high fuel prices in the U.S. that have affected all Americans. Working families, small businesses, and consumers across the country are feeling the pinch with no end in sight," said Lipinski. "Hydrogen has fueled the sun for about 6 billion years now, and it has enormous potential to meet many of our long-term energy needs here on Earth, while reducing our green house gas emissions."

The H-Prize legislation designates prize-eligible categories for hydrogen-related research, including: (1) advancements in certain hydrogen components or systems; (2) prototypes of hydrogen-powered vehicles or other hydrogen-based products; and (3) transformational changes in technologies for hydrogen distribution or production that meet or exceed far-reaching criteria, including minimal carbon emissions and commercial viability.

"An economy based on energy outside of fossil fuels is no longer implausible," said Lipinski. "Hydrogen has the potential to reduce our nation's dependence on foreign oil, improve our air quality, and maintain our economic competitiveness - the H-prize will help take us there."


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