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WASHINGTON, DC - Today, Congressman Dan Lipinski, in a statement in the House of Representatives, spoke out against the continued outsourcing of America. In the last several years we have seen Illinois manufacturing jobs shut down, high tech jobs shipped off, and with the recent scuttled Dubai Ports deal, our national security being sold out.

"In the current climate our national security must be paramount, and we have an obligation to our constituents to make every effort to protect our homeland," stated Lipinski. "The lax attitude towards American security policy that was on display in the Dubai Ports debacle takes us backwards in our fight to protect America from terrorists."

Recently, the proposed sale of six U.S. ports to Dubai Ports World - the government-owned company based in the United Arab Emirates - was halted. Strong opposition from the American public and Congress brought this deal to a halt after national security concerns were raised. The Dubai Ports debacle did, however, shed greater light on the problems we continue to face with our homeland security and the continuing battle over outsourcing in this country.

"It should come as no surprise that America has begun to outsource our national security, since we continue to promote policies that encourage businesses to ship jobs overseas," continued Lipinski. "Outsourcing comes with substantial costs to the American public and is reflected in our record trade deficit of $725 billion."

"First if was manufacturing, then high tech, and now our security that is being sold to the highest bidder," said Lipinski. "We cannot allow this to continue. We must protect America's families by defending our national security and preserving and growing American jobs. America must not be sold out."

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