Contact My Office

I am here to serve the residents of the 4th Congressional District, and so is my staff.

We can be reached at (202) 225-2511

508 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515


If you’d like to contact me about a legislative issue, please e-mail me; or phone me at (202) 225-2511; or mail me a note.

Help with a problem

If you need help with a government agency or have any other problem that you think I (or my office) can help you with, call my office at (202) 225-2511, or e-mail me.

Tour Requests

If you plan to visit Washington, D.C., contact my office by e-mail, or phone us at (202) 225-2511.

Flag Requests

To request a flag flown over the Capitol Building, fill out a request form and mail it in.

Schedule a meeting with me

If you would like to meeting with me, contact me so we can set up an appointment.

To invite me to speak

If you would like to speak at an event in the district, let me know the details by e-mail or by calling my office at (202) 225-2511.

Congressional Commendations

As a service to my constituents, my office can provide acknowledgement of special events. Request a congressional commendation.

Presidential Greetings

District Residents can request to receive a greeting from the President of the United States. Request a Presidential Greeting.

Latest News

Rep. McClintock Remarks Opposing Bailout Legislation
January 22, 2009 Speech in Support of House Joint Resolution 3, House Chamber, Washington, D.C. M. Speaker:This resolution presents the House...…
Rep. Tom McClintock Statement on President's Action to Free Border Patrol Officers
 Representative Tom McClintock issued the following statement on President Bush’s decision to free former Border Patrol officers Ignacio Ramos and...…
Congressman McClintock Urges President to Pardon Border Patrol Agents Compean and Ramos
Congressman McClintock Urges President to Pardon Border Patrol Agents Compean and RamosRemarks by Congressman Tom McClintockHouse FloorJanuary 14, 2009Mr. Speaker:I...…