
district of california

Workers Get Help Through Tough Times

Washington, Jan 8, 2003 - U.S. Rep Ed Royce (R-CA-40) voted in support of the Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 2002 to extend unemployment benefits to some 2.7 million Americans who need assistance. President Bush signed this legislation into law earlier today. Royce issued the following statement:

"Millions of hardworking Americans have been affected by the economic downturn our country has taken and need this extension of benefits. My district office in Fullerton has fielded a number of calls from constituents who are in need of the support this bill provides. This will hopefully help them through this tough period."

"I am also backing President Bush's 10-year, $674 billion stimulus package that accelerates marginal tax rate cuts, increases the child tax credit by $400 per child, wipes out dividend taxes paid to investors and provides bonuses to workers who find jobs in the next 13 weeks.

"Our economy needs a boost. With Bush's proposal, and the passage of this bill workers will get what they ultimately need - a job."

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