Friday, June 13, 2008

After Eastern Iowa Flood Damage Tour, Harkin Announces Federal Disaster Declaration For 13 Counties

Iowa Senator and Congressional Delegation members also urge FEMA to quickly process Iowans’ disaster assistance requests

U.S. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) today announced the federal disaster declaration of 13 Iowa counties - Adam, Boone, Cerro Gordo, Crawford, Dallas, Dubuque, Floyd, Franklin, Marion, Page, Story, Tama and Union. Now that the counties have been declared, residents and businesses can begin applying for federal disaster assistance. Black Hawk, Buchanan, Butler and Delaware counties have already been given their federal disaster declarations. Harkin visited Waterloo, Cedar Rapids and Iowa City today and plans on touring the damage done in Mason City, Charles City, Nashua and Waverly tomorrow.

"These new disaster declarations are vital as we begin the recovery process in some parts of our state. Now more Iowans can apply for assistance and get the help they need,” said Harkin. “Still, there is much more work to be done and I will continue to see to it that other affected counties receive federal assistance."

Harkin also joined his Iowa congressional colleagues in sending a letter to Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Administrator, David Paulison, urging him to quickly process federal disaster assistance requests for the counties in Iowa affected by the devastating weather and floods. Paulison accompanied Harkin and other officials as they assessed the flood damage incurred by eastern Iowa today and met with victims of the storm.

"I appreciate FEMA Director Paulison’s willingness to come out to Iowa and join us on a tour of the most devastated parts of our state. He has been able to see firsthand the resiliency and dedication of our people but also the dire situation and urgent need for fast action," continued Harkin. "We have urged him and his agency to take necessary steps to efficiently process disaster assistance requests so that Iowans who have lost their homes, their crops, or their businesses are able to recover and rebuild."

FEMA assistance becomes available for counties the Governor has declared disaster areas once the President makes a federal disaster declaration.

Text of the letter is below:

June 13, 2008

The Honorable R. David Paulison
Federal Emergency Management Agency
500 C Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20472

Dear Administrator Paulison,

We respectfully urge timely consideration of any Federal disaster assistance requests for the counties in Iowa affected by the ongoing severe weather and flooding. Governor Culver has already issued an Emergency Proclamation for nearly all of Iowa’s 99 counties, all experiencing significant damage due to the combination of severe rainfall, winds, and flooding. The situation is overwhelming our local agencies.

We appreciate FEMA’s assistance to date and your prompt assessment of past damage. Thank you in advance for your continued assistance and your urgent consideration of this matter. Please feel free to contact our offices if we can provide any assistance or information.


Tom Harkin
United States Senator

Charles E. Grassley
United States Senator

Dave Loebsack
United States Representative

Leonard L. Boswell
United States Representative

Bruce L. Braley
United States Representative

Steve King
United States Representative

Tom Latham
United States Representative

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