Monday, January 28, 2008

Harkin Works To Prevent Suicide Among Active Duty Soldiers

Last November, Harkin's veteran suicide prevention law - named after Iowan Josh Omvig - became law

As recently released data shows growing numbers of suicide among soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq and seeing his Joshua Omvig veteran suicide prevention bill made law, U.S. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) announced today that he will introduce legislation next week to prevent suicide among active duty members of the military. Harkin's proposal, which he unveiled today at a Des Moines event honoring the Omvig family, would direct the Department of Defense (DoD) to create a comprehensive suicide prevention program including annual training for soldiers, improved instruction for field medics and post deployment assistance.

The Army reported in December that 85 soldiers committee suicide last year, including 27 in Iraq and four in Afghanistan. These numbers serve as the highest of Army suicides recorded since 1990.

"These startling statistics should serve as a wakeup call that suicide among soldiers and veterans is more than a problem, it is an epidemic,” said Harkin. “Thankfully, our push to provide American veterans with a suicide prevention program was heard and made law but there is more work ahead – especially in serving our active duty military personnel. We can and must act quickly to save our soldiers who have so bravely fought for our country."

Senator Harkin discusses his efforts to make the Joshua Omvig Suicide Prevention bill law Senator Harkin, Congressman Boswell, Senator Grassley and Governor Culver present the official bill to the Omvigs Senator Harkin congratulates Randy and Ellen Omvig for their hard work and leadership.

Late last year, Harkin's push for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to provide a comprehensive suicide prevention program for returning soldiers became a reality through the enactment of the Joshua Omvig Veterans Suicide Prevention Action – named after Joshua Omvig, a soldier from Grundy Center who took his own life after returning from Iraq. Harkin's legislation directs the VA to integrate mental health services into veterans' primary care, and step up counseling and other mental health services for returning war veterans.

Specifically, Harkin's Armed Forces Suicide Prevention Act will:

  • Conduct a national mental health campaign to reduce the stigma associated with mental health issues, encourage people to seek help when needed, and increase awareness that mental health is essential to overall health and that treatments can promote recovery from mental illness.
  • Involve military leadership in outreach efforts by incorporating suicide prevention training in officer and senior enlisted training courses.
  • Implement annual suicide prevention training of all active duty, Reserve, and National Guard members.
  • Strengthen basic lifesaver training and training for military medics and medical personnel to incorporate recognition of risk factors for suicide, identification of signs and symptoms of mental health issues, and protocols for responding to crisis situations involving soldiers who may be at high risk for suicide.
  • Utilize Critical Incident Stress Management teams within units to prevent and respond to traumatic events. Such teams will consist of key personnel such as medical staff, chaplains, family support staff, and peers.
  • Provide post-deployment follow-up and assistance for family members and peers of members of the Armed Services on mental health problems, substance use, and financial and relationship difficulties, including information on resources to address these issues.