
Royce Comments on Iran Sanctions

Washington, Oct 25 -

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade made the following comments in reaction to the announcement of additional Iran sanctions announced by the Departments of State and Treasury this morning:

The Iranian regime continues its pursuit of nuclear weapons. Strong action is needed by the United States, the West, and Iran's neighbors to prevent a nuclear Tehran.

Among other sanctions announced today, efforts to isolate Iranian state-owned banks are promising. Bank Melli and Bank Melat have been found to be supporting Iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs. With today's announcement, they are stigmatized - which should cut them out of the international financial system and undermine support for the nuclear program.

With 60 percent of Iranians under age 30 yearning for economic opportunity –foreign trade and investment matter greatly to the regime. That makes today's action all the more important.

In April 2007, in a hearing with senior State and Treasury officials, Rep. Royce called for additional Iranian state-owned banks to be sanctioned.