
district of california

Boys and Girls Club Mentoring Session a Success
Royce explains career opportunities within U.S. government and discusses his job

Fullerton, CA, Apr 5, 2002 - On Thursday, April 4, U.S. Rep. Ed Royce (R-Fullerton) met and talked with a group of 11-14 year old students from the Boys and Girls Club of Garden Grove. Royce shared with them what it is like to serve as a member of Congress and answered their questions about the federal government.

"I am always pleased to meet with young people, especially as part of a mentoring program. For many, this is their first exposure to the U.S. government," said Royce. "Through hard work and a good education, children can be anything they want, and empowering them with knowledge is our best hope for the future."

Coordinated by the Junior League of Orange County, the students are participants in the Awesome Destinations mentoring program for children. Awesome Destinations is a committee of volunteers who act as role models to promote continued education and goal setting. Through this program, monthly community events expose children to the various career opportunities available to them.

"There are many career opportunities within all areas of the government, including federal, state and local levels. It is never too early to starting thinking about your career," Royce said.

During their visit, Royce explained the day-to-day operations of a congressional office, gave them a tour, introduced them to his staff, showed them proper U.S. flag etiquette, explained what it is like to serve as a member of Congress, and took time to answer questions.

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