
district of california

California Posts Largest Job Gains in May

Washington, Jun 17, 2005 - Today, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics released its monthly employment and unemployment statistics. Signaling good news for Californians, the numbers indicated that the largest employment gains occurred in the Golden State. California added nearly 18,000 jobs during the month of May, while the statewide unemployment rates remained below the national average at five percent.

"These numbers are certainly great news for Californians. Our national economy is on a roll and California is leading the way," said Congressman Royce.

Nationally over the last two years, 3.5 million jobs have been created across almost all sectors of America's growing economy. The nation's unemployment rate is the lowest it has been since September 2001.

The numbers released today are further indication that the American economy has rebounded from the attacks of September 11th, corporate scandals, and the bursting of the tech bubble. With continued job growth, record homeownership rates, and shrinking budget deficits, our economy is strong and getting stronger.

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