
district of california

NumbersUSA Announces Immigration- Reduction Leaders
Representative Ed Royce (R-CA) Earned a NumbersUSA “A”

Washington, Oct 27, 2008 -

NumbersUSA recognizes Ed Royce (R-CA) and these Members of Congress as having earned a high NumbersUSA Immigration-Reduction Grades in their parties out of 435 Members of the U.S. House of Representatives. They outperformed 95 percent of their colleagues.

"As Grade-A Representatives for sensible immigration, these leaders have contributed greatly toward a more economically just and environmentally sustainable America," said Roy Beck, President of NumbersUSA. "We call on our more than 850,000 activist members to join us in congratulating these members for putting principle, the American worker and the environment above partisan politics."

These immigration reduction champions have consistently voted for policies that:

  • Help vulnerable American workers keep their jobs and earn fair wages
  • Protect environmental resources from federal-forced population growth
  • Spare communities from worsening congestion and deteriorating quality of life
  • Reduce the growth in U.S. energy demand
  • Restore respect for the rule of law and reduce illegal immigration

NumbersUSA's grades reflect every recorded action by these Representatives that would affect overall immigration numbers. NumbersUSA grades positively all actions that would reduce both illegal and legal immigration. The grades cover actions taken in the current Congress and the previous Congress (2005-2008).

Barrett, J. Gresham (R-SC)

Boozman, John (R-AR)

Broun, Paul (R-GA)

Brown-Waite, Virginia (R-FL)

Gingrey, Phil (R-GA)

Myrick, Sue (R-NC)

Davis, David (R-TN)

Akin, Todd (R-MO)

Graves, Sam (R-MO)

Mica, John (R-FL)

Bilirakis, Gus (R-FL)

Boyda, Nancy (D-KS)

Burgess, Michael (R-TX)

Coble, Howard (R-NC)

Davis, Geoff (R-KY)

Forbes, Randy (R-VA)

Gallegly, Elton (R-CA)

Goodlatte, Robert (R-VA)

Hall, Ralph (R-TX)

Heller, Dean (R-NV)

Jordan, Jim (R-OH)

Kingston, Jack (R-GA)

Linder, John (R-GA)

Neugebauer, Randy (R-TX)

Rogers, Mike (R-AL)

Rohrabacher, Dana (R-CA)

Roskam, Peter (R-IL)

Schmidt, Jean (R-OH)

Shuster, Bill (R-PA)

Smith, Lamar (R-TX)

Smith, Adrian (R-NE)

Stearns, Cliff (R-FL)

Wamp, Zach (R-TN)

Wittman, Robert J. (R-VA)

Aderholt, Robert (R-AL)

Tancredo, Tom (R-CO)

Brady, Kevin (R-TX)

Fortenberry, Jeff (R-NE)

Hayes, Robin (R-NC)

Lungren, Dan (R-CA)

Westmoreland, Lynn (R-GA)

Feeney, Tom (R-FL)

Garrett, Scott (R-NJ)

McKeon, Howard (R-CA)

Shays, Christopher (R-CT)

Platts, Todd (R-PA)

Weldon, Dave (R-FL)

Whitfield, Edward (R-KY)

Hensarling, Jeb (R-TX)

Issa, Darrell (R-CA)

Taylor, Gene (D-MS)

Bachmann, Michele (R-MN)

Barrow, John (D-GA)

Barton, Joe (R-TX)

Blackburn, Marsha (R-TN)

Blunt, Roy (R-MO)

Buchanan, Vern (R-FL)

Buyer, Steve (R-IN)

Capito, Shelley Moore (R-WV)

Chabot, Steve (R-OH)

Donnelly, Joe (D-IN)

Ellsworth, Brad (D-IN)

Emerson, Jo Ann (R-MO)

Fallin, Mary (R-OK)

Hulshof, Kenny (R-MO)

Inglis, Bob (R-SC)

Johnson, Tim (R-IL)

Keller, Ric (R-FL)

Lampson, Nick (D-TX)

Latta, Robert E. (R-OH)

Lewis, Ron (R-KY)

LoBiondo, Frank (R-NJ)

Marshall, Jim (D-GA)

McCarthy, Kevin (R-CA)

McHenry, Patrick (R-NC)

McIntyre, Mike (D-NC)

Peterson, John (R-PA)

Petri, Tom (R-WI)

Rehberg, Dennis (R-MT)

Sali, Bill (R-ID)

Saxton, Jim (R-NJ)

Scalise, Steve (R-LA)

Shuler, Heath (D-NC)

Thornberry, William (R-TX)

Young, C.W. (R-FL)

Goode, Virgil (R-VA)

Biggert, Judy (R-IL)

Jones, Walter (R-NC)

Lucas, Frank (R-OK)

Ramstad, Jim (R-MN)

Bilbray, Brian (R-CA)

Cole, Tom (R-OK)

Davis, Lincoln (D-TN)

Dreier, David (R-CA)

Hunter, Duncan (R-CA)

Lewis, Jerry (R-CA)

Mack, Connie (R-FL)

Royce, Ed (R-CA)

Alexander, Rodney (R-LA)

Culberson, John (R-TX)

Deal, Nathan (R-GA)

Duncan, John (R-TN)

Foxx, Virginia (R-NC)

Franks, Trent (R-AZ)

Gohmert, Louie (R-TX)

King, Steve (R-IA)

McCaul, Michael (R-TX)

Miller, Gary (R-CA)

Miller, Jeff (R-FL)

Musgrave, Marilyn (R-CO)

Porter, Jon (R-NV)

Price, Tom (R-GA)

Sessions, Pete (R-TX)

Sullivan, John (R-OK)

Walden, Greg (R-OR)

NumbersUSA Action is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with more than 850,000 on-line activist members who work for lower overall immigration numbers that don't force U.S. population growth and congestion and that don't depress American wages. NumbersUSA does not treat race, ethnicity or national origin as a factor in immigration policy, and never endorses candidates for elections.

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