Title 47--Telecommunication



TEXT PDF36.1 General.
TEXT PDF36.2 Fundamental principles underlying procedures.
TEXT PDF36.3 Freezing of jurisdictional separations category relationships and/or allocation factors.
TEXT PDF36.101 Section arrangement.
TEXT PDF36.102 General.
TEXT PDF36.111 General.
TEXT PDF36.112 Apportionment procedure.
TEXT PDF36.121 General.
TEXT PDF36.122 Categories and apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.123 Operator systems equipment--Category 1.
TEXT PDF36.124 Tandem switching equipment--Category 2.
TEXT PDF36.125 Local switching equipment--Category 3.
TEXT PDF36.126 Circuit equipment--Category 4.
TEXT PDF36.141 General.
TEXT PDF36.142 Categories and apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.151 General.
TEXT PDF36.152 Categories of Cable and Wire Facilities (C&WF).
TEXT PDF36.153 Assignment of Cable and Wire Facilities (C&WF) to categories.
TEXT PDF36.154 Exchange Line Cable and Wire Facilities (C&WF)--Category 1--apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.155 Wideband and exchange trunk (C&WF)--Category 2--apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.156 Interexchange Cable and Wire Facilities (C&WF)--Category 3--apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.157 Host/remote message Cable and Wire Facilities (C&WF)--Category 4--apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.161 Tangible assets--Account 2680.
TEXT PDF36.162 Intangible assets--Account 2690.
TEXT PDF36.171 Property held for future telecommunications use--Account 2002; Telecommunications plant under construction--Account 2003; and Telecommunications plant adjustment--Account 2005.
TEXT PDF36.172 Other noncurrent assets--Account 1410.
TEXT PDF36.181 Material and supplies--Account 1220.
TEXT PDF36.182 Cash working capital.
TEXT PDF36.191 Equal access equipment.
TEXT PDF36.201 Section arrangement.
TEXT PDF36.202 General.
TEXT PDF36.211 General.
TEXT PDF36.212 Basic local services revenue--Account 5000 (Class B telephone companies); Basic area revenue--Account 5001 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.213 Network access services revenues.
TEXT PDF36.214 Long distance message revenue--Account 5100.
TEXT PDF36.215 Miscellaneous revenue--Account 5200.
TEXT PDF36.216 Uncollectible revenue--Account 5300.
TEXT PDF36.221 Other operating income and expenses--Account 7100.
TEXT PDF36.222 Nonoperating income and expenses--Account 7300.
TEXT PDF36.223 Interest and related items--Account 7500.
TEXT PDF36.224 Extraordinary items--Account 7600.
TEXT PDF36.225 Income effect of jurisdictional ratemaking differences--Account 7910.
TEXT PDF36.301 Section arrangement.
TEXT PDF36.302 General.
TEXT PDF36.310 General.
TEXT PDF36.311 Network Support/General Support Expenses--Accounts 6110 and 6120 (Class B Telephone Companies); Accounts 6112, 6113, 6114, 6121, 6122, 6123, and 6124 (Class A Telephone Companies).
TEXT PDF36.321 Central office expenses--Accounts 6210, 6220, and 6230 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6211, 6212, 6220, 6231, and 6232 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.331 Information origination/termination expenses--Account 6310 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6311, 6341, 6351, and 6362 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.341 Cable and wire facilities expenses--Account 6410 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6411, 6421, 6422, 6423, 6424, 6426, 6431, and 6441 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.351 General.
TEXT PDF36.352 Other property plant and equipment expenses--Account 6510 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6511 and 6512 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.353 Network operations expenses--Account 6530 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6531, 6532, 6533, 6534, and 6535 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.354 Access expenses--Account 6540.
TEXT PDF36.361 Depreciation and amortization expenses--Account 6560.
TEXT PDF36.371 General.
TEXT PDF36.372 Marketing--Account 6610 (Class B telephone companies); Accounts 6611 and 6613 (Class A telephone companies).
TEXT PDF36.373 Services--Account 6620.
TEXT PDF36.374 Telephone operator services.
TEXT PDF36.375 Published directory listing.
TEXT PDF36.376 All other.
TEXT PDF36.377 Category 1--Local business office expense.
TEXT PDF36.378 Category 2--Customer services (revenue accounting).
TEXT PDF36.379 Message processing expense.
TEXT PDF36.380 Other billing and collecting expense.
TEXT PDF36.381 Carrier access charge billing and collecting expense.
TEXT PDF36.382 Category 3--All other customer services expense.
TEXT PDF36.391 General.
TEXT PDF36.392 General and administrative--Account 6720.
TEXT PDF36.411 Operating taxes--Account 7200 (Class B Telephone Companies); Accounts 7210, 7220, 7230, 7240, and 7250 (Class A Telephone Companies).
TEXT PDF36.412 Apportionment procedures.
TEXT PDF36.421 Equal access expenses.
TEXT PDF36.501 General.
TEXT PDF36.502 Other jurisdictional assets--Net--Account 1500.
TEXT PDF36.503 Accumulated depreciation--Account 3100.
TEXT PDF36.504 Accumulated depreciation--Property held for future telecommunications use--Account 3200.
TEXT PDF36.505 Accumulated amortization--Tangible--Account 3400 (Class B Telephone Companies); Accumulated amortization--Capital Leases--Account 3410 (Class A Telephone Companies).
TEXT PDF36.506 Net current deferred operating income taxes--Account 4100, Net noncurrent deferred operating income taxes--Account 4340.
TEXT PDF36.507 Other jurisdictional liabilities and deferred credits--Net--Account 4370.
TEXT PDF36.601 General.
TEXT PDF36.602 Calculation of non-rural carrier portion of nationwide loop cost expense adjustment.
TEXT PDF36.603 Calculation of rural incumbent local exchange carrier portion of nationwide loop cost expense adjustment.
TEXT PDF36.604 Calculation of the rural growth factor.
TEXT PDF36.605 Calculation of safety net additive.
TEXT PDF36.611 Submission of information to the National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA).
TEXT PDF36.612 Updating information submitted to the National Exchange Carrier Association.
TEXT PDF36.613 Submission of information by the National Exchange Carrier Association.
TEXT PDF36.621 Study area total unseparated loop cost.
TEXT PDF36.622 National and study area average unseparated loop costs.
TEXT PDF36.631 Expense adjustment.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix to Part 36--Glossary.



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