Title 47--Telecommunication



TEXT PDF27.1 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF27.2 Permissible communications.
TEXT PDF27.3 Other applicable rule parts.
TEXT PDF27.4 Terms and definitions.
TEXT PDF27.5 Frequencies.
TEXT PDF27.6 Service areas.
TEXT PDF27.10 Regulatory status.
TEXT PDF27.11 Initial authorization.
TEXT PDF27.12 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF27.13 License period.
TEXT PDF27.14 Construction requirements; Criteria for renewal.
TEXT PDF27.15 Geographic partitioning and spectrum disaggregation.
TEXT PDF27.16 Network access requirements for Block C in the 746-757 and 776-787 MHz bands.
TEXT PDF27.20 Digital television transition education reports.
TEXT PDF27.50 Power and antenna height limits.
TEXT PDF27.51 Equipment authorization.
TEXT PDF27.52 RF safety.
TEXT PDF27.53 Emission limits.
TEXT PDF27.54 Frequency stability.
TEXT PDF27.55 Power strength limits.
TEXT PDF27.56 Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
TEXT PDF27.57 International coordination.
TEXT PDF27.58 Interference to BRS/EBS receivers.
TEXT PDF27.60 TV/DTV interference protection criteria.
TEXT PDF27.63 Disturbance of AM broadcast station antenna patterns.
TEXT PDF27.64 Protection from interference.
TEXT PDF27.66 Discontinuance, reduction, or impairment of service.
TEXT PDF27.70 Information exchange.
TEXT PDF27.201 WCS in the 2305-2320 MHz and 2345-2360 MHz bands subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.209 Designated entities; bidding credits; unjust enrichment.
TEXT PDF27.210 Definitions.
TEXT PDF27.302 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF27.303 Upper 700 MHz commercial and public safety coordination zone.
TEXT PDF27.308 Technical content of applications.
TEXT PDF27.321 Mutually exclusive applications.
TEXT PDF27.501 746-763 MHz, 775-793 MHz, and 805-806 MHz bands subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.502 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF27.601 Authority and coordination requirements.
TEXT PDF27.602 Lease agreements.
TEXT PDF27.604 Limitation on licenses won at auction.
TEXT PDF27.607 Performance requirements and annual reporting requirement.
TEXT PDF27.701 698-746 MHz bands subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.702 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF27.801 Scope.
TEXT PDF27.802 Permissible communications.
TEXT PDF27.803 Coordination requirements.
TEXT PDF27.804 Field strength limits at WMTS facility.
TEXT PDF27.805 Geographic partitioning and spectrum disaggregation.
TEXT PDF27.806 1.4 GHz service licenses subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.807 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF27.901 Scope.
TEXT PDF27.902 Permissible communications.
TEXT PDF27.903 Coordination requirements.
TEXT PDF27.904 Geographic partitioning and spectrum disaggregation.
TEXT PDF27.905 1670-1675 MHz service licenses subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.906 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF27.1101 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz bands subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF27.1102 Designated Entities in the 1710-1755 MHz and 2110-2155 MHz bands.
TEXT PDF27.1111 Relocation of fixed microwave service licensees in the 2110-2150 MHz band.
TEXT PDF27.1131 Protection of Part 101 operations.
TEXT PDF27.1132 Protection of incumbent operations in the 2150-2160/62 MHz band.
TEXT PDF27.1133 Protection of Part 74 and Part 78 operations.
TEXT PDF27.1134 Protection of Federal Government operations.
TEXT PDF27.1135 Protection of non-Federal Government Meteorological-Satellite operations.
TEXT PDF27.1160 Cost-sharing requirements for AWS.
TEXT PDF27.1162 Administration of the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1164 The cost-sharing formula.
TEXT PDF27.1166 Reimbursement under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1168 Triggering a Reimbursement Obligation.
TEXT PDF27.1170 Payment Issues.
TEXT PDF27.1172 Dispute Resolution Under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1174 Termination of Cost-Sharing Obligations.
TEXT PDF27.1176 Cost-sharing requirements for AWS in the 2150-2160/62 MHz band.
TEXT PDF27.1178 Administration of the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1180 The cost-sharing formula.
TEXT PDF27.1182 Reimbursement under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1184 Triggering a reimbursement obligation.
TEXT PDF27.1186 Payment issues.
TEXT PDF27.1188 Dispute resolution under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF27.1190 Termination of cost-sharing obligations.
TEXT PDF27.1200 Change to BRS and EBS.
TEXT PDF27.1201 EBS eligibility.
TEXT PDF27.1202 Cable/BRS cross-ownership.
TEXT PDF27.1203 EBS programming requirements.
TEXT PDF27.1206 Geographic Service Area.
TEXT PDF27.1207 BTA license authorization.
TEXT PDF27.1208 BTA service areas.
TEXT PDF27.1209 Conversion of incumbent EBS and BRS stations to geographic area licensing.
TEXT PDF27.1210 Remote control operation.
TEXT PDF27.1211 Unattended operation.
TEXT PDF27.1212 License term.
TEXT PDF27.1213 Designated entity provisions for BRS in Commission auctions commencing prior to January 1, 2004.
TEXT PDF27.1214 EBS spectrum leasing arrangements and grandfathered leases.
TEXT PDF27.1215 BRS grandfathered leases.
TEXT PDF27.1216 Grandfathered E and F group EBS licenses.
TEXT PDF27.1217 Competitive bidding procedures for the Broadband Radio Service.
TEXT PDF27.1218 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF27.1220 Transmission standards.
TEXT PDF27.1221 Interference protection.
TEXT PDF27.1222 Operations in the 2568-2572 and 2614-2618 bands.
TEXT PDF27.1230 Conversion of the 2500-2690 MHz band.
TEXT PDF27.1231 Initiating the transition.
TEXT PDF27.1232 Planning the transition.
TEXT PDF27.1233 Reimbursement costs of transitioning.
TEXT PDF27.1234 Terminating existing operations in transitioned markets.
TEXT PDF27.1235 Post-transition notification.
TEXT PDF27.1236 Self-transitions.
TEXT PDF27.1237 Pro rata allocation of transition costs.
TEXT PDF27.1238 Eligible costs.
TEXT PDF27.1239 Reimbursement obligation.
TEXT PDF27.1250 Transition of the 2150-2160/62 MHz band from the Broadband Radio Service to the Advanced Wireless Service.
TEXT PDF27.1251 Mandatory Negotiations.
TEXT PDF27.1252 Involuntary Relocation Procedures.
TEXT PDF27.1253 Sunset Provisions.
TEXT PDF27.1254 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF27.1255 Relocation Criteria for Broadband Radio Service Licensees in the 2150-2160/62 MHz band.
TEXT PDF27.1301 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF27.1303 Upper 700 MHz D Block license conditions.
TEXT PDF27.1305 Shared wireless broadband network.
TEXT PDF27.1307 Spectrum use in the network.
TEXT PDF27.1308 Organization and structure of the 700 MHz public/private partnership.
TEXT PDF27.1310 Network sharing agreement.
TEXT PDF27.1315 Establishment, execution, and application of the network sharing agreement.
TEXT PDF27.1320 Failure to comply with the NSA or the Commission's rules.
TEXT PDF27.1325 Resolution of disputes after grant of the upper 700 MHz D block license.
TEXT PDF27.1327 Construction requirements; criteria for renewal.
TEXT PDF27.1330 Local public safety build-out and operation.
TEXT PDF27.1333 Geographic partitioning, spectrum disaggregation, license assignment, and transfer.
TEXT PDF27.1335 Prohibition on discontinuance of public safety operations.
TEXT PDF27.1340 Reporting obligations.
