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Center for Police Leadership (CPL)


The mission of the IACP Center for Police Leadership is to deliver law enforcement leadership training through a systematic, career-long approach from entry level to retirement. The program is coherent, sequential and comprehensive in developing police leaders that are of proven maturity and character so that police departments throughout the world function efficiently and effectively while serving their respective communities.

Vision – Within two to four years, the Center will have established itself and the IACP as a premier source of leadership research, training and information dissemination for law enforcement. The Center will endeavor to provide some level of leadership information to every law enforcement agency within our reach.

Values – Effective leadership is a necessary condition to any meaningful change in the way police organizations approach their purpose. Leadership is not an end in itself, but a critical prerequisite to organizational success.

Goals – To provide meaningful, operative research and training in dispersed leadership to the maximum number of law enforcement agencies.

Objective – To enhance the culture of modern policing by emphasizing the importance of effective primary leadership and the education, mentoring and ongoing development of emerging leaders within an agency.

Philosophy – The IACP Center for Police Leadership is devoted to the development and nurturing of police professionals. In so doing, the Center for Police Leadership promotes individual, group and organizational development that greatly enhances organizational effectiveness and societal improvement. The Center’s training design emphasizes transformational leadership that engages its followers to elevate social conduct and ethical behavior; leadership that promotes a good greater than the leaders and the followers. The Center believes that committed people can improve and increase their leadership effectiveness through a combination of appropriate training, self-development and learning derived from a career of progressively more demanding job assignments. Our philosophy is that all participants in the Center’s training accept that their duty is to provide honorable leadership to their organization, group or individual under their influence.

“Unfortunately, in our desire to address the immediate needs of our agencies and communities, we sometimes fail to plan for the future leadership needs of our departments and our noble profession. This is a critical oversight, because we must realize that our success as police chiefs will be judged not only by what we accomplish today but also by how we prepare our agencies to confront the challenges of the future.”

~Mary Ann Viverette, Past President, IACP

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