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@MCHammer I'd like to download your song too!
RT @lknobel Fistful of Euros will frighten you even more about the economy:
@jshuey Sorry, the content relates specifically to their business issues and is confidential.
Was asked to write letter to CIO of a major company explaining what I do. A challenging task to do well.
@Scobleizer Brian: My entire work and blogging life is devoted to cultural / organizational aspects of IT failures. So yes, I agree with you
@digiphile See this post on Oracle social CRM. (Also see associated podcast)
@Scobleizer Traditional CRM has been top-down. The social elements change the shape to peer collaboration. Big difference.
@Scobleizer Alphaxion: not all enterprise apps need social features. But many could benefit from well-planned collaboration processes.
@Scobleizer Have you looked at SAP or Oracle's social CRM products? (@pgreenbe jump in here.)
@ekistics22 I don't do upside down. Especially in the air over steep cliffs.
Making orange walnut, chocolate-dipped biscotti, to bring to @spiver's house.
Twitter's first UI concept:
3 degrees F with constant wind. :-(
5 degrees F and windy. brrrr.
Cambridge, MA in the snow
Making a chocolate souffle: not stopping till it's right. (And thx @kpearlson @yourdon for nice photo comments)
Ace Hardware CIO will be posted next week (to all who asked)
Just recorded podcast with former CIO of Ace Hardware. Lots of insight into what makes the enterprise tick.
Going out to rent a really great super wide-angle lens today.


Jack Dorsey Joshua S. Freeman Dion Hinchcliffe Martin Hall Thomas Vander Wal Simon Griffiths Dave Winer Kingsley Joseph Susan Scrupski Sooz Robert Brook Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Dan York Doug Haslam Jim Long Tom Conrad sadagopan Euan Semple Robert Scoble Michael Markman Shane Henderson Stephen Collins Darren Waters Jeff Barr Pito Salas cote Baher Al Hakim Jeremy Pepper CenterNetworks Craig Cmehil Nigel James Alvaro Tejada James Governor Mark Finnern dan mcweeney
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