Mr Messina’s Favorites

brynn It really is worth watching Prop 8--The Musical if you haven't yet. Brilliant:
Ernest Prabhakar
DrErnie @davemorin Congratulations on the Facebook Connect launch. The web has just gotten a lot more social (and, dare I say, competitive :-)
Dave Morin
davemorin We've officially launched Facebook Connect! Our deepest thanks to everyone that has worked with us towards launch:
marshallk working on big post about Facebook Friendconnect vs. OpenID
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks Google Friend Connect now open for everyone:
om somebody broke the facebook embargo and then pulled the post. is the embargo broken or not? twitters speak. facebook you need a new pr a ......
David Beach
beach Facebook mail is totally unreliable. Stuff "sends" about half the time. I wish I didn't use it, but people keep sending me messages there.
Kevin Marks
kevinmarks @kellan Friend Connect makes any website social by adding a snippet of JS - it's built on the Open Stack of OpenID, OAuth and OpenSocial
Jason Kinner
jkinner Had fun staying up all night with OpenID. But getting started only took half an hour:
Khoi Vinh
khoi Times Extra, folks. Times Extra, Times Extra, Times Extra! and my blog post here -
Arron Kallenberg
kallena Thanx 2 @anthonydimitre @DandyID now offers a huge iPhone graphics library for services we support. See example:
David Lanham
dlanham Hooray for Somatic, it makes my stats happy!
Stephen Paul Weber
singpolyma Myspace *almost* has OpenID. Try to use it and you get an XML error page.
Jason Fried
jasonfried Has anyone done & regretted the medical data? I'm not sure I'd be happier knowing I'm predisposed to this or that.
Michael Calore
snackfight Digg comment: I love the promise of the "open stack", but I can't explain it to my dad. OpenID is a bag of hurt for implementors and users.
aaron mentele
amentele Tip for being frugal: only buy discounted stocks. e.g., AAPL @ 87.87
Josh Bancroft
jabancroft If Google's iCal sync app, "Calaboration", lives up to its billing, I've just achieve calendar sync nirvana. Fingers crossed! :-)
Josh Bancroft
jabancroft Hey look! Google Calendar now fully supports CalDAV, and the Google Mac team wrote an iCal sync app! Finally! :-)
James Governor
monkchips @dberlind Twittercard, if microformats-based, could be useful. I would also like to see the avatar picture supported in the core.
David Berlind
dberlind @kevinmarks, @oliver: KISS 1. Online vCard editor, 2. Save vCard to Web. 3. In bio, URL to vCard contains "TwitterCard". Solutions compete.


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