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got three copies of the Austrian version of my book...I won't be reading them...trying to think of a clever way to give them away.
@factoryjoe apparently no password on can be an issue, they have a page explaining:
got an email today from a reader pointing to a site with a super easy sign-up process. (password optional)
on the other hand, wouldn't Netflix want to push its digitization as fast as possible?
@Hybernaut sez InstantWatcher (Netflix instant watching site) is a project from betahouse coworker @danchoi
@amckinnis my guess is that Netflix is digitizing everything it has, & will rollout only fast enough to keep pace w/iTunes/others.
cool, slimmed-down site organizing Netflix watch instantly content:
@jibbajabba thank you for your excellent Omnigraffle UX Template & wireframe stencils:
@askrom I use Remember the Milk b/c it has a nice iPhone version & Gears support (offline). I can always access it no matter where I am.
@cperfetti I wasn't thinking. Sometimes it is interesting how many ways one can serve tofu, though.
just ate something called "chickenless nuggets". Wrong in so many ways. Not recommended, not even for curiosity sake.
@OmniGraffle the "auto-adjust canvas size" in the canvas inspector was exactly my problem! Thank you for your support. :)
@rhjr FYI: the @chimp community manager is @laurelboylen
Omnigraffle 5 is good for the most part, but sometimes my canvas goes nutty & everything religns itself. Anybody else have this problem?
shocked at how much work I can get done despite not being on my own machine (wife's macbook) Google docs, Gmail, etc
@soldierant thanks for the pointer. I hope tripit publishes something about their A/B testing results.
up dark and early.
@Hybernaut I mean the Rockfish is very close to the Grog. Very small behavior change is still good, etc.
health advisory: Trader Joes toffees found to have magnets inside. Don't buy unless you want them to attract instantly to your stomach.


Evan Williams kellan Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Baum Noah danah boyd Matt Jones Ross tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Micah Alpern Tim Kersey Jared Hanson Gene Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis lane becker Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sooz Fred Oliveira Thor Muller Molly E. Holzschlag Steve Ganz Jyri Engeström Jackson Fox
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