Boehner: Democratic Leaders Must Stop Protecting Trial Lawyers, Start Protecting the American People

Washington, Feb 16, 2008 - House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today urged the House Democratic leadership to stop blocking the bipartisan, Senate-passed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) modernization bill, echoing the call by President Bush today in his Saturday radio address.  Boehner issued the following statement:

“Right at this moment, al Qaeda and other terrorist groups are plotting against the United States and our allies.  But at the insistence of the House Democratic leadership, tomorrow our intelligence officials will not have all the tools they need to protect us from an attack.  Instead, the Majority has chosen to protect its trial lawyer allies who are seeking to profit from a FISA law that was written three decades ago.  This law is outdated and inadequate, and the Democratic Majority’s attempts to block the bipartisan Senate bill designed to fix it is beyond irresponsible.

“The bipartisan FISA bill passed by the Senate adds important liability protections for third parties who have helped defend our country.  Without their cooperation, our intelligence officials will not have the tools they need to protect the American people.  But our nation’s trial lawyers see it another way; they would leave these firms exposed to a flurry of frivolous and costly lawsuits that would tie up our courts and endanger American lives.  It’s time for the House Democratic leaders to put the safety of the American people above their own partisan political interests.  It’s time for them to heed the will of the American people and allow a vote on the Senate-passed FISA modernization bill as soon as Congress returns to Washington.”


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