2008 Olympics Boycott

2008 Olympics Boycott

In August 2007, Rep. Rohrabacher introduced House Resolution 610 expressing the sense of Congress,

"to take immediate steps to boycott the 2008 Summer Olympic Games in Beijing, unless the Chinese regime stops engaging in and supporting serious human rights abuses against its citizens and those in the Sudan, Burma and North Korea."

Rohrabacher proclaimed,

"The Olympics represent the noblest elements of humanity and the Chinese regime represents the opposite. The Olympic torch is supposed to be a beacon of light shining upon mankind’s higher aspirations in the world and it’s a travesty to have that torch hosted by a regime that is the world's worst human rights abuser."

"In 1936, Nazi Germany hosted the Olympics giving Hitler a worldwide platform to show case his fascist propaganda. It was wrong to support the Olympic venue then and it’s wrong for the United States to support this prestigious event being held in a similarly fascist regime in 2008."

H. Res. 610 outlines various human rights abuses perpetuated by the Chinese regime not only on their own soil, but throughout the world. The resolution cites specific examples of government sanctioned denial of freedom of religion, expression, association and any democratic activity. According to Amnesty International, China continually holds thousands of political prisoners without charge or trial and is responsible for over 80 percent of all executions documented in the world. China also engages in the horrific practice of human organ harvesting without consent on live prisoners, especially Falun Gong practitioners and continues to enforce the "One Child" policy per family, oftentimes leading to forced abortions and sterilization.

To read House Resolution 610, please click on the file below.

Related Documents:

Blog - **Blog** Welcome to the 111th Congress! 1.5.2009

Article - Washington Times: Chinese influence questioned 7.31.2008

Article - Long Beach Press-Telegram: Rohrabacher wants Bush, U.S. boycott of Olympics 7.17.2008

Article - Wall Street Journal: "No Olympic Medal for Bush" 7.11.2008


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Related Files:

Olympic Boycott - House Resolution 610