News List

  • Bipartisan Letter Sent To White House to Pardon Border Agents
    Dec 19, 2007  - Today, Cong. Rohrabacher (R-CA) joined Cong. William Delahunt (D-MA), Cong. Silvestre Reyes (D-TX) and Cong. Ted Poe (R-TX) on a letter sent to President Bush asking for a last minute commutation for unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Last week, Members expresse... More
  • Bipartisan Criticism of President Bush’s “Snub” of Border Agents
    Dec 12, 2007  - Today, Rep. Rohrabacher (R-CA) was joined by Rep. William Delahunt (D-MA) in expressing outrage over President Bush’s decision to leave unjustly imprisoned Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean off of the annual Christmas pardons and commutations list, released this week by the Departm... More
  • Cong. Rohrabacher Statement on the Arrest of Drug Smuggler Shot by Imprisoned Border Agents
    Nov 16, 2007  - Congressman Dana Rohrabacher released the following statement in reaction to the arrest of Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila, the illegal alien drug smuggler shot by former Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who are currently serving 11 and 12 year prison sentences for the shooting: ... More
  • Human Events: "President Bush Should Quickly Pardon Jailed Border Agents"
    Nov 5, 2007  - Unjustly convicted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean are currently serving 11 and 12 year prison terms, respectively, for shooting and wounding an admitted illegal alien drug smuggler who they interdicted while he was smuggling $1 million worth of drugs into the United States. Inex... More
  • Climate Change Quotes
    Nov 2, 2007  - QUOTES FROM NOTED SCIENTISTS ON CLIMATE CHANGE Bold is added in quoted passages to emphasize points. Distorted Science Undue Pressure and Influence Kyoto Cost Sea Level Change IPCC Climate Models Temperature Change vs.CO2 Change Biograph... More
  • Imprisoned Border Agents Treated Worse Than Gitmo Detainees
    Oct 16, 2007  - During today’s press conference, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher released a letter co-signed by 45 Members of Congress to Attorney General Nominee Michael Mukasey, requesting a “fair and unbiased review” of the questionable prosecution and prolonged solitary confinement of Border Patrol Agents Ig... More
  • CNN Lou Dobbs Feature Story on Ramos & Compean Mistreatment in Prison
    Oct 16, 2007  - Watch CNN's Lou Dobbs report on Border Patrol Agents Ramos and Compean's current treatment in prison.  Link More
  • Congressman Rohrabacher Remarks on Burma
    Sep 26, 2007  - Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) delivered pointed remarks last night regarding the continued political volatility in Burma . In a special order speech from the House floor, Mr. Rohrabacher warned the Burmese military dictators of the potential consequences of engaging in violent acts against the... More
  • Alert! Border Agent Case Update
    Sep 26, 2007  - Oral Arguments have been set for Dec. 3, 2007 in the 5th Circuit Court, New Orleans. More
  • Science & Technology Scholarship Program Passes Overwhelmingly
    Sep 17, 2007  - H.R. 1657, the “Science and Technology Scholarship Program,” sponsored by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA)  passed overwhelmingly today by a vote of 360-16. The legislation establishes a scholarship program to help recruit and prepare students for careers in the National Oceanic and Atmosphe... More