Welcome to FRASER®
The Federal Reserve Archival
System for Economic Research
is a project by the Research
Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to expand on its mission
to provide economic information and data to researchers interested in the U.S.
economy. On this web site you will find links to scanned images (in Adobe®
Acrobat® PDF format) of historical economic statistical publications,
releases, and documents.
When used in connection with data contained in FRED®(Federal Reserve Economic Data) and ALFRED® (Archival Federal Reserve Data), FRASER® allows the researcher to
create uninterrupted data series by accessing sources previously available only
in printed form and those currently available electronically (on FRED® and ALFRED®).
In addition, the ability to retrieve series presented in preliminary, revised,
and final releases provides a powerful tool in recreating and evaluating previous
economic research and policy.
We invite you to explore these documents. Please contact us if you have scanned documents to contribute.