
7/15/08: Dodd Statement on the Senate's Override of Bush's Medicare Veto

Says "A Promise Made is a Promise Kept"

July 15, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) released the following statement tonight after the Senate voted to override the President’s veto of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act.


3/03/08: Dodd, Lieberman, Larson Hail Decision to Keep Bristol Social Security Office Open

March 3, 2008

Connecticut Senators Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Joe Lieberman (ID-CT) and Congressman John B. Larson (CT-01) are thrilled to announce that the Social Security Administration (SSA) has decided to keep the Bristol field office open for at least another year.  The SSA had threatened to close the office last year, sending thousands of local seniors to New Britain for their Social Security needs.  During the year, the SSA will continue to review the need for the Bristol office. 

2/22/08: Dodd Reacts to New LIHEAP Funding for Connecticut

February 22, 2007

“As Connecticut is blanketed with more snow and inclement weather, I'm pleased to announce more than $3 million in funding will be awarded through the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), to help elderly and low income residents in the state pay their home heating bills.  Although it's the end of February, we can expect months more of cold weather and this assistance will help ensure that Connecticut families have the ability to stay warm and safe.  However, this funding is still not enough to cover the increased requests for assistance due to record high fuel prices.  No family should be forced to brave the cold or make the dangerous choice between food and medicine or heat for lack of financial resources."

1/16/08: Dodd Lauds Funding Protecting Low-Income, Elderly in Connecticut From Rising Home-Heating Costs

Nearly $14 million for Connecticut Residents

January 16, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today announced that Connecticut residents would receive $13,598,024 in federal funding to help low-income households pay for their home heating costs. The money, provided by the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, helps pay the winter heating bills or summer cooling bills of low-income and elderly people.

9/10/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on Today’s SEC Senior Summit

September 10, 2007

“I am alarmed by the unscrupulous, fraudulent and abusive practices highlighted by the SEC at today’s Senior Summit.  Our older citizens deserve the peace of mind of a safe and secure financial future, not the worry of being robbed blind of their hard-earned savings by a crooked salesman with a flashy, deceptive title.   But regrettably, these practices appear to be part of a growing trend of predatory behavior targeted towards America’s seniors in the sale of securities, annuities and other financial products, and in other areas, including mortgage loan and refinance scams, bank account fraud, and financial identity theft.  Chairman Cox, the SEC and the other regulators involved in today’s Summit have raised a number of important issues that we must address.  As Chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, I am carefully examining these matters and intend to announce a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing the financial exploitation of America’s seniors.”

7/26/07: Dodd Pledges to make Affordable Health Care, Financial Security a Priority in Congress

Joins with AARP, Business ROundtable, SEIU Partnership to support critical domestic issues

July 26, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, today pledged his commitment to working with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to develop and implement policies that provide all Americans with access to quality, affordable health care and lifetime financial security by signing a pledge presented by Divided We Fail, a partnership formed by AARP, the Business Roundtable and Service Employees International Union (SEIU). 

6/13/07: Senator Dodd Works to Protect Nursing Home Residents

Introduces bill to improve fire safety in nursing homes

June 13, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) today introduced The Nursing Home Fire Safety Act of 2007, which would provide low-interest loans and grants to nursing homes that cannot afford the upfront costs of installing automatic sprinkler systems.  Between 20 and 30 percent of the nursing homes in the United States currently lack automatic sprinkler systems, which have the ability to save many lives in the event of a fire.  Congressman John Larson (D-CT) has introduced companion legislation in the House of Representatives. 

4/23/07: Statement of Senator Dodd on the Trustees for Social Security and Medicare Report

April 23, 2007

“Today’s report serves as an important reminder of the fiscal challenges our country faces in the not-too-distant future.  Since its establishment during the Great Depression, Social Security has lifted millions of seniors, surviving spouses and children, and disabled Americans out of poverty, yet this administration continues to undermine its long-term fiscal health and openly advocate for its dismantlement through privatization.  Ensuring Social Security’s continued ability to safeguard current and future generations will require a serious, constructive dialogue that puts aside political agendas and divisions for the good of the country.

6/26/06: Senators Dodd, Lieberman Applaud Committee Passage of Agriculture Appropriations Bill

June 26, 2006

WASHINGTON - The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a measure that, thanks in part to the work of Senators Chris Dodd and Joe Lieberman, would provide funds for agricultural and economic initiatives across Connecticut. Dodd and Lieberman worked with their Appropriations Committee colleagues to ensure that funds for a number of Connecticut projects are included in the fiscal year 2007 Department of Agriculture Appropriations Bill. The legislation will now be considered by the full Senate.

5/08/06: Statement of Senator Dodd on Families USA Report

May 8, 2006
I am pleased to be able to join Ron Pollack, Executive Director of Families USA, today to discuss the release of this important report. I wish we were here to talk about real solutions to the crisis facing American health care, and especially small businesses.

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