
Dodd Pledges to make Affordable Health Care, Financial Security a Priority in Congress

Joins with AARP, Business ROundtable, SEIU Partnership to support critical domestic issues

July 26, 2007

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, today pledged his commitment to working with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle to develop and implement policies that provide all Americans with access to quality, affordable health care and lifetime financial security by signing a pledge presented by Divided We Fail, a partnership formed by AARP, the Business Roundtable and Service Employees International Union (SEIU). 


 “Americans should never have to choose between putting food on the table and receiving the medical care they need, and yet today more and more Americans are forced to make these choices every day.  Affordable health care and financial security are basic needs.  As lawmakers, it is our responsibility to ensure that they are treated as such.  I commend the AARP, the Business Roundtable and SEIU for highlighting the urgency of these domestic issues, and I am proud to join their partnership – Divided We Fail – with my pledge to continue to work to address these critical priorities.” 


“Yesterday’s meetings gave our local staff a chance to sit down face-to-face with Connecticut’s representatives and discuss the Divided We Fail pledge,” said AARP Connecticut Director Brenda Kelley, referring to a meeting between AARP and Senator Dodd’s staff.  “We are thrilled to have a signed pledge from Sen. Dodd, and we look forward to continuing to work on the top domestic issues facing this nation.”


For the full text of the pledge, click here.

