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Contracts data was last updated on December 15, 2008 for all 24 CFO Act agencies at this time.

Assistance data was last updated on December 23, 2008 for 20 of 24 CFO act agencies. Updates are currently pending for the following agencies: DHS, HHS, NRC and TREAS.

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The purpose of this page is to allow users to download and view other federal spending related reports available from alternate government resources. Please note that the scope, currency, and the presentation in these reports may be different from the site and we encourage you to pay close attention to the definitions and clarifications included as part of these reports.

Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR)

The Consolidated Federal Funds Report (CFFR) is a geographic presentation of Federal Government expenditures or obligations in state, county, and subcounty areas of the United States. The District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and outlying areas (American Samoa, The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, The Virgin Islands, and Palau) are included.

The CFFR is an annual snapshot of Federal expenditures or obligations for the following categories: direct payments for retirement and disability, other direct payments, grants, procurement contracts, salaries and wages, direct loans,guaranteed or insured loans, and insurance. Dollar amounts reported represent either actual expenditures or obligations. The data are obtained from information systems that exist in various Federal Government agencies. These data have been consolidated and tabulated in a standard format. Two Federal management agencies provide virtually all Federal procurement data. These are the General Services Administration's Federal Procurement Data Center and the U.S. Postal Service. The Office of Personnel Management provides salary and wage data for all large civilian employer agencies. Data from the Census Bureau’s Financial Assistance Awards Data System (FAADS) are totaled for four quarters to provide data for most Federal grants, loans, insurance, and individual payments.

Available Data and Reports

Reference Information

Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS)

Executive departments and agencies are responsible for collecting and reporting procurement data to the Federal Procurement Data System (FPDS-NG) as required by Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). FPDS-NG contains data that the Federal Government uses to create recurring and special reports to the President, Congress, Government Accountability Office, Federal executive agencies, and the general public. The Government uses the reported data to measure and assess the impact of Federal procurement on the nation’s economy, the extent to which awards are made to businesses in the various socio- economic categories, the impact of full and open competition on the acquisition process, and other procurement policy purposes.

Agencies report unclassified information on all contract actions using appropriated funds including those made: with stock and replenishable revolving funds; with appropriated funds transferred from one executive agency to another where the servicing agency contracts for the supplies or services; with appropriated funds obligated pursuant to the provisions of PL 85-804; by one agency to another; for supplies and equipment; for all real property both leased and purchased; for construction, alteration or maintenance of real property; for services, including research and development and utilities; for 8(a) Contract Awards; for JWOD Nonprofit Agency (formerly referred to as Sheltered Workshop awards); for telecommunications from regulated carriers; for Federal Prison Industries, i.e. UNICOR awards (orders from GSA stock for UNICOR products are not reportable – see Part III, C.3g.); and with funds held in trust accounts for foreign governments or procurements for foreign governments regardless of the nature of the funds. (The term "foreign governments" includes international organizations.)

Available Reports

Reference Information