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Fairness Doctrine Update

Janurary 28, 2009
Human Events and National Review Online are both running articles of interest that comment on the threat that the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' poses to our First Amendment rights to free speech.

Human Events: "Jailed For An Insult?" -

"The looming battle over the Fairness Doctrine -- Doctrine essentially an attempt to muzzle political dissent -- will reveal a great deal about what opponents of Islamization stateside can expect next."
National Review Online: "The Constitutional Right to Listen" -

"This overlooked constitutional right is also central in the possibly pending battle over readoption of the Fairness Doctrine by the Obama administration. Besides the constitutional free-speech rights of broadcasters and talk-show hosts, the doctrine would violate the audience’s constitutionally protected right to listen.

"Those advancing the Fairness Doctrine’s revival are not interested in balance; they are interested in shutting down critics. Obama revealed his thinking about talk radio in his recent attack on Rush Limbaugh, in which he urged Republicans not to listen to the popular host. This indicates how much trouble Obama thinks talk radio is for his agenda, which may mean that his interest in using the Fairness Doctrine to shut it down will be high. "

January 8, 2009
Congressman Pence and Congressman Walden introduce Broadcaster Freedom Act of 2009.

View bill HERE.

See full text of Congressman Pence's remarks at the press conference announcing the bill HERE.

Audio of the press conference is available HERE.

December 16, 2008
Rep. Anna Eshoo, who serves on the Telecommunications and Internet Subcommittee of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee, is the latest prominent Democrat to advocate for the reinstitution of the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine.'

The San Francisco Peninsula Press Club has the details of Rep. Eshoo's conversation with the Daily Post in Palo Alto HERE.


Story HERE.
Congressman Pence's response HERE.

More information and past updates on the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' are available HERE.

"Radio Independence Day" Press Conference - 6-11-2008
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