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(July 24, 2008) Lipinski Announces $304,000 Grant for Berwyn South School District PDF  | Print |


WASHINGTON - On Wednesday, Congressman Dan Lipinski (IL-3) announced that the Berwyn South School District #100 is being awarded a $304,015 grant for this coming school year by the U.S. Department of Education.  This grant, which is part of the Professional Development for Arts Educators Program, is likely to be renewed for two more years.


"Federal funding is needed to meet the increased demands being placed on our nation's public schools, especially on our arts programs," said Rep. Lipinski.  "This grant of over three-hundred thousand dollars this year - and likely more than nine-hundred thousand dollars over the next three years - will allow educators in the Berwyn South School District to provide enhanced learning opportunities and to help develop a deep appreciation for the arts among our young students.  The school district will be able to continue to build upon its already impressive record of service while improving the experience of students in school."


The Professional Development for Arts Educators Program supports the implementation of high quality professional development model programs in elementary and secondary education for music, dance, drama, and visual arts educators.  School districts are required to focus on the development, enhancement, or expansion of standards-based arts education programs or on the integration of standards-based arts instruction with other core academic area content.


"I am proud to announce this grant award and I look forward to continuing to work to improve the resources and capabilities of the Third District's dedicated educators," said Rep. Lipinski.

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