Washington, Jan 27 - Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (CA-45) today issued the following statement after President Obama met with House Republicans in the U.S. Capitol:

“I was pleased to meet with President Obama today about the serious financial challenges our nation is facing,” said Bono Mack. “This was a positive exchange of ideas in which we emphasized the need to increase jobs, stimulate growth, and most of all restore America’s confidence in Americans.

“Our nation was built by people who never gave up, who met every challenge and believed in freedom. It is time to reaffirm our commitment to the values that made us great – free enterprise and the right of every individual to make decisions for themselves and their loved ones.

“I applaud the President’s spirit of bipartisanship and wish that Democratic leadership in Congress followed his lead as they crafted this $850 billion stimulus legislation. As currently written, this legislation is unlikely to produce real results in the near future that will help working families who are struggling to make ends meet.

“We need to focus on enacting policies that put more decision-making and more wealth into the hands of individuals, through tax credits, rebates, and cutting wasteful government spending. Returning billions of dollars to the men and women who earn and create wealth is what will truly stimulate our economy.

“Our nation succeeds when we reaffirm our commitment to each other and trust the people – not the government – to find solutions.”


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