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November 14, 2002
Congressman Steny Hoyer

Statement on Election as Democratic Whip

WASHINGTON - Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD) released the following statement today upon election by unanimous acclamation as the new House Democratic Whip:

"I want to thank my colleagues for electing me as Democratic Whip. I am gratified that my candidacy was supported by every element of our diverse Caucus. I plan to build on that foundation to help create a strong, unified Caucus that advances a positive and active agenda for the American people. Throughout my service in Congress, I have worked to bring people from the left, right and center together to support big ideas and big changes, and that is what it is going to take for Democrats to win the hearts and minds of voters.

I also want to congratulate my good friend and colleague Nancy Pelosi on her election as our new Leader. Let me also extend my congratulations to Bob Menendez on his election as our new Caucus Chair. Anyone who looks at our leadership team sees that House Democrats reflect America.

Today’s leadership election was not about Democrats moving from one place on the political spectrum to another. It was about the Democratic Caucus coming together. House Democrats are going to continue to focus on the principles, issues and values that make this party great – equality, opportunity, freedom and security.

The American people agree with Democrats on issues that greatly affect their lives, from the economy to education to retirement security to the environment. Our task now is to promote a clear, positive agenda that is based on our core values and which unifies Democrats – whether liberal or conservative – and appeals to independent voters.

I intend to run an aggressive, inclusive Whip operation that reaches out to every Member of our Caucus and that ensures our diversity is a strength. I also will actively solicit and incorporate the views of all our Members in the legislative process well before bills come to the House Floor. I look forward to helping our Caucus speak with a unified, powerful voice."

