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Time on Mars
This flash is showing time on Mars: Spirit: Current Sol, Time and Sols Past "Warranty" This flash is showing time on Mars: Opportunity: Current Sol, Time and Sols Past "Warranty"
Name NASA's Next Mars Rover
Asl DrC
Athena Instrument Site at Cornell
Red Rover Goes to Mars
The Vision for Space Exploration
Rover Status
Spirit:  Serious but Stable >>
Opportunity:  Post-Solar Conjunction Hangover >>
Read the spotlight 'Hello, Earth! Hello, Mars!'
View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664
Hello, Earth! Hello, Mars!  >>
  View from West of Victoria Crater, Sol 1664  >>
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Read the update 'Watch, Listen and Celebrate Five Years on Mars' Watch, Listen and Celebrate Five Years on Mars
New videos and a podcast highlight five years of roving by the twin rovers, Spirit and Opportunity. The Mars rovers were originally planned as three-month missions. >>
Read the update 'Public Events Mark Mars Rovers' Five-Year Anniversary' Public Events Mark Mars Rovers' Five-Year Anniversary
Public events during the next two weeks will share the adventures of the still-active NASA Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity, which landed five years ago this month on missions originally scheduled to last three months. >>
Read the update 'Mars Rover Team Sets Low-Power Plan for NASA's Spirit' Mars Rover Team Sets Low-Power Plan for NASA's Spirit
Mission controllers have laid out plans for NASA's Mars Rover Spirit to conserve its modest energy during the next few weeks. >>
Read the update 'Controllers Cheer as Data Arrive from NASA's Spirit Rover' Controllers Cheer as Data Arrive from NASA's Spirit Rover
Spirit communicated via the Mars Odyssey orbiter today right at the time when ground controllers had told it to, prompting cheers among the rover team at JPL. >>
Read the update 'Mars Rover Spirit Remains Quiet as Dust Storm Weakens' Mars Rover Spirit Remains Quiet as Dust Storm Weakens
A dust storm that has reduced power to NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit is clearing, but the Spirit's status remains unknown on Wednesday. >>
Read the update 'Dust Storm Cuts Energy Supply of NASA Mars Rover Spirit' Dust Storm Cuts Energy Supply of NASA Mars Rover Spirit
A dust storm on Mars has cut into the amount of sunlight reaching the solar array on NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit, leaving the rover in a vulnerable state. >>
Read the update 'NASA'S Mars Rover to Head Toward Bigger Crater' NASA'S Mars Rover to Head Toward Bigger Crater
NASA's Mars Rover Opportunity is setting its sights on a crater more than 20 times larger than its home for the past two years. >>
Read the update 'NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground' NASA Mars Rover Opportunity Ascends to Level Ground
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has climbed out of the large crater that it had been examining from the inside since last September. >>
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View the video '5 Years and Still Roving on Mars - Opportunity'
5 Years and Still Roving on Mars - Opportunity
View the video 'Five Years on Mars'
Five Years on Mars
Watch the Flight Director's Update
Flight Director's Update
Nov 14:  Spirit is talking again, after a dust storm put her in a vulnerable state. Engineers hope her energy will continue to improve.
View the video 'Mars Rovers Battle Severe Dust Storm'
Mars Rovers Battle Severe Dust Storm
View the video 'Opportunity Poised to Enter Victoria Crater'
Opportunity Poised to Enter Victoria Crater
Click here to visit the Mars Exploration Rover Photo Contest
Photo Poll Winner
Spirit's scene of the setting sun
Current: Month in Review Slideshow
Month in Review Slideshow
Watch the video 'Mars scientist Diana Blaney studies the Red Planet from Hawaii.'
Mars scientist Diana Blaney studies the Red Planet from Hawaii
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