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September 22, 2004
Stacey Farnen Bernards


WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (MD) today joined House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA), the Democratic Caucus leadership, Democratic House members, and citizens from around the country in announcing the “New Partnership with America.”  The Partnership is a broad values-based agenda that reinforces Democrats’ commitment to America’s national defense, working families, and economic prosperity.  The following is Rep. Hoyer’s statement as prepared for delivery: 

“Good morning.  I am Congressman Steny Hoyer of Maryland, the House Democratic Whip.  And, on behalf of all of my Democratic colleagues, I welcome you to this important event – the unveiling of the House Democrats’ New Partnership for America’s Future.

“This initiative directly responds to the hopes and aspirations of the American people.  And it is the roadmap that we will use to lead this great country – and make it stronger.  Our New Partnership for America’s Future springs from the policies that we, as Democrats, are fighting for – on national security, job creation, health care, veterans and fiscal responsibility.  And it affirms the values that all of us share.

“For example, Democrats recognize, first and foremost, that our highest duty is defending the American people and protecting our homeland. 

“Over these last two years, our Democratic Caucus has achieved unprecedented unity, fighting for clear alternatives to the misguided policies that are failing the American people.

“Today, we will hear from some of those Americans, who will tell us about the policies they need and the Congressional leadership they deserve.  Speaking on behalf of the American people are Myra Bronstein, Thomas Caulfield, Sarah Goldman, Jennifer Davis, Luis Torres, Tina Freedman, and Craig Rice.  We also will hear from Democratic Members of Congress about this Partnership; how it animates the soul of this great Party; how it speaks to the hopes and dreams of the American people.

“Speaking on behalf of the House Democrats are Representatives Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut; John Murtha of Pennsylvania; Kendrick Meek of Florida; Hilda Solis of California; Edward Markey of Massachusetts; and John Tanner of Tennessee.  Now, it is my honor to introduce our Democratic Leader, Nancy Pelosi of California.”

To read more about House Democrats’ New Partnership please click  here.
