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June 11, 2008
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Majority Leader Hoyer Says UI Bill Will Be Brought Up Tomorrow Under Rule

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement after legislation extending unemployment insurance benefits failed to receive the two-thirds vote necessary for passage under suspension of the rules:
“While I’m very pleased that 49 House Republicans joined a unanimous Democratic caucus in voting to extend unemployment benefits today, I’m disappointed that we did not pick up more Republican support, and that this bill failed to pass as a suspension. Given the strong bipartisan support expressed for this bill today on the House floor, we have every intention of bringing this legislation up for a vote tomorrow that simply requires a majority to prevail.
“The dramatic increase in the unemployment rate announced last Friday—the largest one-month increase in 22 years—is great cause for concern and it’s clearly causing pain for unemployed Americans and their families. This Congress has a duty to act to help our fellow citizens deal with the poorly-performing economy under this Administration, and therefore we will pass this much-needed UI extension tomorrow and send this legislation on to the Senate.”
