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July 02, 2004
Stacey Farnen

Hoyer: Weak Jobs Report Further Proof that Bush Economic Plan Is Failing

Republicans Have Run Out of Excuses for Historic Job Losses

WASHINGTON, DC – House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement this morning regarding the Department of Labor’s employment report for June:

“The Bush Administration and Congressional Republicans will undoubtedly rush out and spin today’s employment report as proof that their economic program is working.  But after enduring three and one-half years of excuse making and broken promises, the American people have every reason to dismiss such political posturing.

“Republicans just cannot admit the obvious: Their policies are failing.  The President has the worst record of job creation since the Great Depression, and his policies have instigated record budget deficits and exploding debt that will haunt us for a generation to come.

“The gain of 112,000 jobs in June is, without question, a positive development for those who secure new employment.  But economists agree that we need a job gain of 150,000 a month just to keep pace with population growth.  And when this Administration’s record is measured against the Clinton Administration’s – an average of 239,000 jobs gained every single month for eight years – there is no comparison.  In addition, 90 percent of the jobs that have been created since August 2003 pay below the national average hourly wage.  The Administration needs to focus on creating many good paying jobs, not just celebrate the creation of too few low-paying jobs.

“The hard truth is, this Administration has no real job-creation plan beyond crossing its finger and hoping.  In fact, the Administration and Congressional Republicans could – and should – have taken the pro-active step of agreeing on a bipartisan transportation bill that would create more than one million new jobs.  However, squabbling within the Republican Party has delayed passage of even this bill, which traditionally wins wide bipartisan support.  The only excuse for this delay is the Republican Party’s inability to govern effectively.  And the American worker is paying the price for that.”

