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» House Majority Leader Hoyer Responds to President Bush on Iraq, March 27, 2008
» Hoyer Statement on Social Security and Medicare Report, March 25, 2008
Today’s report is yet another reminder that these two critical programs – Social Security and Medicare – face real long-term challenges that must be addressed in a bipartisan way.
» Hoyer Statement on the Iraq War As It Enters Its Sixth Year, March 18, 2008
As the war in Iraq enters its sixth year on Wednesday, two things are abundantly clear.
» Hoyer, Conyers, Reyes Applaud House Passage of the FISA Amendments Act, March 14, 2008
House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD), House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers, and House Intelligence Committee Chairman Silvestre Reyes applauded today’s passage of the FISA Amendments Act, which passed the House 213-197.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: This Administration’s Economic Performance Can Only Be Called “Dismal”, March 14, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement After House Holds Secret Session, March 13, 2008
I did not hear any new information tonight that dissuades me from my very strong belief that the FISA bill House Democrats have produced – and which the House will vote on tomorrow – is a reasonable, thoughtful, appropriate piece of legislation.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Secret Session of the House, March 13, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement Responding to the President on FISA, March 13, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer Calls Veto of Intelligence Bill "Deeply Misguided", March 08, 2008
The President's veto of this critical legislation is a deeply misguided and harmful mistake that threatens to further undermine our credibility in the international community and to expose our military and intelligence personnel to the very same tactics and treatment.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: February Job Loss Is Further Confirmation of Sagging Bush Economy, March 07, 2008
The steep job loss for February reported today by the Labor Department is simply confirmation that the Bush Administration’s economic policies are failing the American people, and another indication of the economic insecurities that face hard-working families.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Condemns Barbaric Attacks on Students, Expresses Solidarity With Israel in War on Terror, March 06, 2008
I want to express my sincere condolences to the State of Israel and the families of those who were murdered and injured in today’s terrorist attacks at the Mercaz Harav seminary.
» Majority Leader: House Republicans Play Politics with Community Service Bill, March 06, 2008
» Hoyer: Democratic Budget Resolution a Blueprint for Strengthening Economy, Making America Safer, March 06, 2008
The budget passed by the House Budget Committee today is a blueprint for strengthening our economy and making America safer, and it reflects the priorities of the American people.
» Hoyer Statement on Resolution Condemning Rocket Attacks on Israel, March 05, 2008
This resolution is a very strong statement of support by this House for our nation’s one true ally in the Middle East, the State of Israel, which has faced clearly criminal rocket attacks by Palestinian terrorists against Israeli civilians over the last three years.
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement Regarding Bipartisan Meeting on FISA, February 28, 2008
» Hoyer: Investments in Renewable Energy Today Will Increase Our Security Tomorrow, February 27, 2008
Mr. Speaker, this important legislation is an explicit recognition that our great nation must make critical investments today in the development of clean, renewable energy and energy efficiency – investments that will strengthen our national, economic and environmental security for generations to come.
» Hoyer Statement on Medicare Funding Warning Response Act, February 25, 2008
» Hoyer Disappointed White House, Republicans Refuse to Work on New FISA Law, February 22, 2008
Democrats continued today to work hard on crafting a new FISA bill that will keep our nation safe and protect our civil liberties.
» Hoyer Statement on Important FISA Meeting, February 21, 2008
I am disappointed that House and Senate Republicans apparently instructed their staffs not to participate in today’s bicameral meeting on modernizing the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
» Hoyer Statement on Resignation of U.S. Comptroller General David Walker, February 15, 2008
As Comptroller General for the last ten years, David Walker has been tireless in his efforts to bring attention to the long-term fiscal challenges we face and in educating both policymakers and the public about the need for greater fiscal responsibility.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Responds to President’s Comments on FISA, February 15, 2008
After refusing to extend current law, the President repeated today his untenable and irresponsible claim that our national security will be jeopardized unless the House immediately rubber-stamps a Senate bill to modify the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on FISA, February 14, 2008
Every Member of Congress knows that our highest duty is to protect America. The President’s comments earlier today implying that any one of us is less focused on the security of our nation were wrong, divisive and harmful.
» Hoyer Statement on Enactment of Bipartisan Economic Stimulus Plan, February 13, 2008
I am very pleased that the President has signed the bipartisan economic stimulus bill into law.
» Hoyer, Members of Congress Send Bipartisan Letter to Chinese President, Urging Action to End Conflict in Sudan, February 12, 2008
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on the Passing of Chairman Tom Lantos, February 11, 2008
I was deeply and profoundly saddened to learn today of the passing of my very good friend and colleague, Representative Tom Lantos of California, the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the only Holocaust survivor to ever serve in the U.S. Congress.


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