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November 07, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on Peru Trade Promotion Agreement

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement regarding the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement Implementation Act, which is being considered on the House Floor tonight:
“This Peru Free Trade Agreement is an historic accomplishment in trade policy and in our relationship with a strong ally in a region that is vital to our economic and national security.  This agreement has great potential to strengthen the economic ties between the United States and Peru and to improve the standard of living in both countries.
“As the New York Times stated in an editorial this morning, this free trade agreement ‘is likely to boost American jobs and help relations with an ally in a challenging region of the world.’
“This agreement is an opportunity for a new deal on international trade that addresses the needs of workers here and around the world to shape the benefits of globalization.  When Democrats regained majorities in the House and Senate, we were presented with an opportunity to advance trade agreements with enforceable worker rights and environmental standards – standards that we advocated for years.  This trade agreement reflects our long-standing Democratic priorities with the inclusion of enforceable, internationally recognized labor rights and environmental standards.
“I believe that free and fair trade can foster an international economic system based on the rule of law, a movement toward democratic reform, market economics and respect for basic human rights.  Furthermore, the benefits of free and fair trade include lower prices for our consumers, better products, and increased productivity and rising living standards.
“However, one of the great economic challenges of our time is managing the benefits of trade while addressing the very real negative consequences that trade and globalization have had on many of our constituents and communities.
“Democrats are united in our commitment to global trade policies that strengthen America’s position in the world, raise the standard of living for working men and women at home and abroad, and protect the one environment that we share and will leave to our children.”
