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November 02, 2007
Stacey Farnen Bernards
(202) 225 - 3130

Hoyer Announces Quick House Action to Override President’s Veto of Water Resources Development Act

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) today announced that the House will move quickly to override the President’s veto of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2007 Conference Report. The same bill passed the House in August with a veto-proof majority of 381 – 40, and in September was approved by the Senate 81-12.
“On Tuesday, the House will vote to override the President’s veto of WRDA. Considering the overwhelming support for this bill, it is my hope that it will again receive a strong vote in the House and the Senate.
“The 110th Congress has worked to develop a Water Resources Development Act that ensures the continued viability of America’s water resources and infrastructure. The legislation we sent to the President is the product of bipartisan cooperation and compromise, and it enjoys significant support in the House and the Senate, having passed both chambers with large veto-proof majorities.
“Yet the President, who is desperately trying to reestablish his credentials with his conservative base at the expense of good policy, has vetoed this critical bill. The reality is, we have not had a WRDA bill in seven years and this legislation reflects necessary, fiscally responsible investments in vital projects that facilitate commerce and economic development, provide ecosystem restoration and protect human life and property.
“The President’s veto of this broadly-supported bill – which is a concrete achievement by this new direction Democratic Congress - is another example of this President obstinately standing in the way of bipartisan legislation. Yet again, the President is isolated on a matter of national significance. As with Iraq, children’s health care and other national priorities, the President continues to stand in the way of progress.”
