
district of california

Royce Urges President to Extend Resources at the Border

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Letter to President Bush - Operation Jump Start

Washington, Jun 30, 2008 -

Many of you are aware of my efforts to secure our nation's borders. I am continuing to push to keep America safe with a sound enforcement first immigration plan. Just this Monday I sent a letter over to President Bush urging him to extend Operation Jump Start.

Operation Jump Start began in 2006 as a tool to make our borders safer and stronger. 6,000 National Guardsmen were deployed along the Southwest border to increase our resources along the border and to effectively secure our nation. During their time at the border they have confiscated 298,000 pounds of drugs, assisted in 166,000 arrests and helped in 100 rescues. Border Patrol Chief David Aguilar has called this operation a "tremendous success."

However, on July 15 the remaining National Guard will be sent packing. The Border Patrol has yet to reach their goal of 18,000 agents at the border, the Secure Fence Act authorizing the construction of new fencing expires at the end of this year and all four governors have unequivocally supported the extension of this program. It makes absolutely no sense to terminate what is an unqualified success.

To read the letter I've sent to President Bush please click here.

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