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» Hoyer Praises Passage of Toy Safety Legislation, December 19, 2007
So far this year, a record 25 million toys have been recalled for hazards ranging from dangerously small magnets, to excessive levels of toxic lead, to other choking dangers.
» Hoyer on AMT, December 18, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer's Statement on the Sudan Accountability and Divestment Act, December 18, 2007
Today the House is considering one of the most important human rights measures we have dealt with all year --- a bill related to the world’s worst ongoing humanitarian disaster, the genocide in Darfur, Sudan.
» Majority Leader Hoyer on 2008 Appropriations, December 17, 2007
» Hoyer: The President is Out of Touch with Economic Concerns, December 17, 2007
» Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s Statement on the Passing of Rep. Julia Carson, December 15, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer Calls Bush Veto of Children’s Health Bill Deeply Misguided, December 12, 2007
It is unfortunate, and indeed shameful, that President Bush has once again vetoed fiscally responsible, bipartisan legislation that would provide health insurance coverage to 10 million low-income American children.
» Hoyer Statement on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2007
» Hoyer Statement on Senate Republicans Blocking Energy Bill, December 07, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on Jobs Report, December 07, 2007
Today’s jobs report is just another indication that our economy, under President Bush, continues to muddle along, while millions of Americans are afflicted with economic insecurity and grappling with rising health care costs, gas prices and college costs and stagnating household income.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Statement on Administration Plan to Help Homeowners, December 06, 2007
I am pleased to learn of Secretary Paulson’s plan to aid borrowers at risk for foreclosure as the result of interest rate resets scheduled to impact nearly two million homeowners.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: Republican Jobs Report Outrageous and Dishonest, December 05, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer: The President Should Stop Obstructing Iraq War Funding, December 04, 2007
The President, once again, reiterated his demand for a blank check for the war in Iraq – a blank check that the American people and Democrats in Congress oppose.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: The President Should Stop the Scare Tactics, and Sign Funding Bill for Iraq, December 03, 2007
» Majority Leader Hoyer Praises CAFE Deal, December 01, 2007
I would like to commend the efforts of Speaker Pelosi, Chairman Dingell, Senators Inouye and Stevens, and the other Members of Congress who have spent countless hours in the critical effort to aggressively increase CAFE standards without jeopardizing American jobs.
» Hoyer Statement on World AIDS Day, November 30, 2007
Each year on World AIDS Day we have an opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made in the fight against HIV/AIDS, as well as how much is left to be done.
» Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on Sending Bipartisan Children’s Health Bill to the White House, November 30, 2007
After consultations today, Democratic leaders in Congress have decided to send bipartisan legislation that would ensure that 10 million low-income American children receive the health insurance coverage that they need and deserve to the White House.
» House Majority Leader Hoyer’s Statement on President Bush’s Comments on War Funding, November 29, 2007
» Hoyer Statement on Passing of Former Congressman Henry Hyde, November 29, 2007
We are all saddened today by the loss of Congressman Henry Hyde.
» Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s Statement on Rep. Carson’s Decision Not to Run for Re-election, November 26, 2007
The State of Indiana and our nation will long be indebted to Congresswoman Carson, a devoted and trail-blazing public official who served in county, state and federal office for more than 35 years.
» Majority Leader Hoyer Urges Americans to Pay Special Thanks to Troops on This Holiday, November 21, 2007
On this Thanksgiving Day, Americans from coast to coast will give their thanks for the many blessings that have been bestowed upon us as citizens of this great nation -- including our hard-won rights and liberties, and the opportunities and equality that we enjoy.
» Majority Leader Hoyer: Republicans Again Block Change In Iraq Against the Will of the American People, November 16, 2007
» Hoyer Statement on Mortgage Reform Bill, November 15, 2007
The Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act is another step in Congress’ efforts to respond to the mortgage crisis facing our nation.
» Hoyer: House Should Override Veto of Fiscally Responsible Bill That Invests in America's Priorities, November 15, 2007


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