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VPCSF Newsletter - The Villa Park Community Services Foundation (VPCSF) is a 501(c)3 charitable, non-profit, organization established by the City of Villa Park in 2002.  The Foundation began formal operations in January of 2003 and has enjoyed success in its three years promoting service to the community and underwriting city events.  The Foundation strives to remain apolitical and neutral in its endeavors and has directed its efforts toward service-oriented causes and civic activities. More...

Villa Park Halloweenfest - Kids, get out your costumes and come with your family for a night of safe treating, family fun, foods and games at the Villa Park Towne Centre on Thursday, October 30th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM. More...

Vote 4 Books! - Now at the Villa Park Public Library the Children's Event Vote for Books. Experience the thrill of the elections and reading as you can come in and vote for your favorite book genre. Children who vote get an "I Voted" sticker. October 14 - November 4. On Tuesday, November 4th at 3:30 PM join the Children's Librarian for a Special Election Storytime! More...

The Great Southern California ShakeOut - ShakeOut is a week of special events featuring the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history, organized to inspire Southern Californians to get ready for big earthquakes, and to prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes.

At 10 a.m. on November 13, 2008, millions of Southern Californians will Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Why? An enormous earthquake is in our future, and the ShakeOut Drill is our chance to practice what to do when it happens. Individuals, families, businesses, schools and organizations will join firefighters, police officers, and other emergency responders in our largest-ever earthquake preparedness activity. Don’t miss out!

To register or for more information, please send an email to jhildenbrand@villapark.org or call City Hall at (714) 998-1500.

Coordinator of Volunteer Services Appointment - The City of Villa Park is seeking applicants for a non-compensated Coordinator of Volunteer Services position. The Coordinator will assist in planning, implementing and overseeing the City's volunteer programs such as the Citizens Taking Action Program (CTAP) and Neighborhood Watch. Interested persons must submit an application to the City of Villa Park. Click here for the application...

Election Information - The City of Villa Park General Municipal Election will be held November 4, 2008. More..

Slow for the Cone Zone - Due to increased funding this summer, highway construction will occur more frequently than usual. Caltrans encourages drivers to take extra precautions when driving in dangerous construction areas. More...

Villa Park Elementary School Historic Buildings - The Orange Unified School District is proposing to demolish the two historic buildings at Villa Park Elementary School. More...

Cannon Wall Failure - The Cannon Street Retaining Wall at the intersection with Serrano Avenue failed due to water build up from unknown sources.  This is the portion of the wall that is original - it was not replaced after the January 2005 winter storm events that caused another section to collapse. The City is taking immediate action to ensure Cannon Street is safe and can maintain two lanes of southbound traffic.  The City, along with the City of Orange, are working to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety while contractors systematically take down portions of the wall in a controlled manner.  There is no danger to the homes above the wall area as the failure is the wall material placed during the original construction.   Residents are asked to avoid Cannon Street during commute times and the bike lane and recreation trail along Cannon are close until further notice. More...

Villa Park History Book - The Villa Park Community Services Foundation is pleased to announce the imminent release of "The Hidden Jewel", a three hundred page pictorial history of Villa Park. More...

17855 Santiago Boulevard • Villa Park, CA 92861 • (714) 998-1500 Fax (714) 998-1508
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