
district of california

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Royce Opposes Stimulus II on Fox Business News
Oct 21, 2008  - During Royce's interview on Fox Business News he opposed the stimulus II proposal and argued that approving such legislation would bring the U.S. deficit into the trillion dollar range. Watch

Royce Attends State Department Celebration of India Nuclear Deal Passage
Oct 2, 2008  - Royce Attends State Department Celebration of India Nuclear Deal Passage Watch

Historic U.S.-India Civilian Nuclear Agreement Set to Pass House
Sep 26, 2008  - Legislation to implement the historic U.S.-India Agreement for Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy was debated in the House of Representatives today, with its passage expected tomorrow. The agreement debated today is widely considered to be the culmination of years of growing U.S.-India ... Watch

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Opening Statement
Sep 25, 2008  - Royce gave an opening statement during today's hearing in the Financial Services Committee. For years Royce has advocated the need for a strong effective regulator able to control the size of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's portfolios to mitigate against systemic risk. Watch

Royce Legislation to Strengthen U.S.-South Korea Alliance Passes House
Sep 24, 2008  - Royce legislation to Improve Defense Cooperation with South Korea Passed the House unanimously. Watch

Taiwan Defense Sales Legislation Passes House
Sep 23, 2008  - Royce, a cosponsor of H.R.6646, applauded its passage. This legislation requires the State Department to provide detailed breifings to Congress on defense sales to the Government of Taiwan. Watch

Royce Discusses AIG Bailout
Sep 19, 2008  - Royce discussed the bailout for AIG and reiterated the need for an optional federal charter for insurance during Bloomberg's Evening Edition. Watch

Royce Slams Democrat Sham Energy Bill
Sep 16, 2008  - "The Democrat's sham of an energy bill fails to lower gas prices, and high energy prices means more inflation. Why send $360 billion each year to OPEC countries, like Saudi Arabia, when we could be creating U.S. jobs and spending the money here," said Royce. Watch

Royce Addresses Skyrocketing Gas Prices on House floor
Sep 15, 2008  - Royce addressed skyrocketing gas prices on the House floor today. Watch

Royce Pushes for Solutions to Lower Gas Prices
Aug 21, 2008  - Rep. Ed Royce joined his Republican colleagues to urge the Democrat Leadership to bring the House back to session to address the current energy crisis by bringing the American Energy Act to a vote. Watch

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