
district of california
  • Royce Statement on Islamist Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai, India
    Nov 27, 2008  - Today, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade, released the following statement in response to the series of terrorist attacks in Mumbai, India. "It is often said that India and America have a natural bond as t... More
  • Keynote Address by Rep. Ed Royce
    May 6, 2008  - This morning, Rep. Ed Royce gave a keynote address, "Gauging the Six Party Talks," to the U.S.-Korea Institute at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies: It is a pleasure being here at the U.S.-Korea Institute. In a few short years SAIS has become a major center of Korea-relat... More
  • Royce Comments on Iran Sanctions
    Oct 25, 2007  - Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40), Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade made the following comments in reaction to the announcement of additional Iran sanctions announced by the Departments of State and Treasury this morning: The Iranian regime... More
  • A.Q. Khan's Nuclear Wal-Mart: Out of Business or Under New Management
    Jun 27, 2007  - Last year, the Terrorism and Nonproliferation Subcommittee I chaired held a hearing on the A.Q. Khan network. We held it shortly after a top Pakistani official declared the Khan case closed. It wasn't closed then, and it's not closed today. I hope that today we develop ideas for seeing that the A.Q.... More
  • Isolating Proliferators and Sponsors of Terror
    Apr 18, 2007  - Rep. Royce issued the following remarks during the Joint Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade Subcommitte Hearing: I thank the Chair for calling this important hearing. The United State has long wrestled with North Korea's nuclear program. Many approaches have been tried, but none has had a mo... More
  • Gangster Regime: How North Korea Counterfeits United States Currency
    Mar 12, 2007  - Calling it an act of economic warfare, Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA) released today a study on North Korean counterfeiting of United States currency. The study, Gangster Regime: How North Korea Counterfeits United States Currency, provides a comprehensive look at the scope of North Korean counterfeiting and ... More
  • "Kim the Counterfeiter"
    Mar 10, 2007  - The following opinion editorial, written by Representative Royce, appeared in the Wall Street Journal on Saturday, March 10th: Drinks flowed as North Korea's top negotiator and his American counterpart met in New York this week in celebration of Pyongyang's promise to give up its nu... More
  • Keep Squeeze on N. Korea's Wallet
    Feb 22, 2007  - This opinion editorial was written by Congressman Ed Royce and appeared in the Orange County Register. Many are rightfully skeptical that North Korea will live up to its agreement to give up nuclear weapons. But it is worth examining how we got this far – and making sure we live by those lessons ... More
  • Royce Bill Becomes Law
    Jan 12, 2007  - Today, President George W. Bush signed into law comprehensive legislation which included key provisions authored by Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA-40) to target the proliferation of shoulder-fired missiles. Through briefings, hearings, and legislation, the terrorist threat from shoulder-fired missiles was a fo... More